Am I dumb or is hitting autoloader on russian tanks should make them go boom, due to ammo in autoloader carousel?

You mean the tiny tanks that cant survive a grenade hit without blowing the turret shouldnt be able to survive a tank round? lol

Gaijin also thinks that a breach hit absorbs all the spall in that little turret and doesnt hit any crew.

My dude I am keeping that analogy

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Pretty much any tanks that got hit in ammorack irl are considering as out of action even all crew make it out alive

That why DM11 coming to play programmable HE round with same properties of DM63

That’s what I’m talking about. But in our game, the tank crew can completely repair the engine, turret drives, and electrical systems.

But how can I be sure it doesn’t explode? It’s a cumulative fragmentation projectile.
The non-explosive substance is in the charge that pushes the projectile out of the tank’s gun, and inside this cumulative fragmentation projectile there is another substance, I don’t think it is protected from combustion


Oh screw it, I guess im awake now anyway…


Just… another one of those arguments that are best to take to PM and keep it there in stead of destroying Threads…