Alvis Piranha II - Delco 25mm

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A British built, Swiss designed vehicle with a US turret marketed to clients in the Middle East.


In January 1991, GKN Defence (soon to become Alvis Vehicles) announced that Swiss company MOWAG had awarded them a contract to construct a significant number of Pirahna 8x8 AFVs for one of of MOWAGs middle eastern customers. This contract was for a total of 100 - 120 vehicles built by Alvis, of six different variants, to the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Defence and Aviation (MODA). These included ambulance, recovery, surveillance, VIP APCs, and Mortar variants of the Piranha.

Following this successful partnership, MOWAG and Alvis signed an agreement which licensed Alvis to become a System Prime Contractor for the design, integration, production, and marketing of the Alvis Vehicles Piranha 8x8 for agreed customers.

Subsequently, Alvis enjoyed moderate success producing, marketing, and exporting the Piranha 8x8. In 1994, Oman ordered a total of 80 Alvis Piranhas, with an agreed option for 46 further vehicles.

As well as producing a variety of vehicles for middle eastern customers, Alvis constructed a company demonstrator vehicle, used to mount a variety of turrets and market the vehicle to potential export customers. One such turret was the US Delco 25mm IFV turret - this export demonstrator is the vehicle discussed in this suggestion.

The Delco 25mm IFV turret, armed with 2x TOW launchers and a 25mm M242 Bushmaster, is present in-game on the Kuwaiti Desert Warrior. This variant of the Alvis Piranha was marketed to potential export customers, but no purchasers were found, so the vehicle did not enter serial production.




Alvis Pirahna Specs

Armament & Turret

Delco 25mm Specs



Alvis Piranha Delco 25mm

Alvis Piranha Delco 25mm 2

Alvis Piranha Delco 25mm 3



Jane’s Armour & Artillery 2000-01 p.510-511 (available here)

Jane’s Armour & Artillery 1993-94 p.685 (available here)

Alvis Piranha Marketing Brochure (available here)

LAV Delco 25mm Marketing Brochure (available here)


YES! absolutely +1

( @AlvisWisla Kek )

In all fairness this seems like a wonderful addition, basically the freccia if it didn’t have Spike-LR2. +1

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Since this one is British built, it can go in the British tech tree, with the ASLAV TOW variant going to the US tech tree.

More speed for UK +1