“Alpha Strike” Update trailer

Ah yes, T-2s facing F-14Bs… how about no.

It should be 10.3 like all the other aircraft of its class.

Sorry but they said the same thing about the ground tree when it was added in September and we still have yet to get anything else except a copy and paste premium tiger.

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It’s the DU hull and spall liner update - duh 😂😂😂

The A-10 and Su-25 both have all-aspect missiles, too and even more ground pounding equipment at 10.0. There is no reason to put the Alpha Jet any higher than those.

That’s because all other class aircrafts are already too low BR,…

Vehicles that cannot be copied and pasted will not be released, because gaijin believes that China TT is still Russia 2.0

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That is not a long time at all. Do you even know how long it takes to make a single photorealistic model of a vehicle? What about planes on top. And maybe new helicopters if they have been working on some. They’re constantly working to add stuff, but to add new shit it takes ages and tons of manhours. This isn’t your average mass production line.

I think that would be the right place. Maybe it‘s gonna be 9.0-9.3 br, because the german one never had AIM -9 or guided weapons and it‘s only good for „close range“ CAS.

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You are right I made a mistake

I don’t see how it could be higher than 9.0. The American A-4E early is at 8.7 and gets Sidewinders, TV guided bombs, Bullpups, countermeasures and an RWR.

Yes that‘s right, but you never know what Gaijin is doing. My first thought was 8.7 but as a step between G91 and Tornado maybe 9.0/9.3??? The flight characteristics are said to have been excellent. The German Alpha Jet also had countermeasures. We will see what happens.

The german Alphajet got AIM9Ls after the ICE upgrade was cancelled

France also gets a new AA lul

Do you have a reputable source for the information? To my knowledge, the German variant never had such weapons.

I cant offer anything reputable sadly. Just multiple websites stating information about the ICE program, which got cancelled.

“In 1985, Germany began a comprehensive upgrade program, known as the Improved Combat Efficiency (ICE) program, for their Alpha Jet fleet; these upgrades were to involve the installation of a Mil Spec 1553B databus, new sensors integrated with the navigation/attack systems, modernized electronic countermeasures suite, measures to minimize the aircraft’s radar and infrared signatures, protection measures around the fuel system, and new armaments such as the AGM-65 Maverick. In 1988, it was announced that the ICE program has been cancelled. A more austere upgrade program did proceed in its place, which integrated the AIM-9L Sidewinder air-to-air missile and navigation computer upgrades, along with several minor airframe and equipment refinements, such as the addition of a jettisonable gun pod.”

Ah, so that’s where the origin lies. In this case you can certainly negate that. The WTD 61 is constantly testing all possible weapons. But that doesn’t mean that it was/will be suitable for series production. Perhaps the value of the combat increase was too low, especially in view of the impending introduction of the Tornado at the time.

It was cancelled because the Soviet Union collapsed, and the Cold War ended. There was no longer a need for CAS aircraft. Tornado had long been in service by this point.

Oh yes you are Right. At this point the Tornado was already in service. Anyway, what I meant was that testing is not a confirmation of usage.