“Alpha Strike” Update trailer


German Tigers apparently use the Knighthelm by BAE

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If F20= premium there this update going to be popo besides the alpha jet and HU TT

cool xD

gripen is already in 2 nations. its a clone

seriously, no point in grinding other nations now, because every good vehicle will be in china 2.0 (italy).


and a decent British one, Stormer 30 and Warrior CSP come to mind, the Warrior just isnt it

What might the AH-1W add that isn’t already present on the AH-1Z?

Its not like the 1Z gets better hellfires even LOL still 114-Bs


It’s just an earlier 1Z its not better!

Yes, but what would even be worse/better? Its not like it can get worse hellfires for example.

For a while i thaught sweden would become A Copy-Paste nation But i gotta say the devs really just went straight to the point with this one.

devs are making copy-paste trees for a long time already.

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In theory, it should get AGM-65



stay tuned to the news where we’ll be unveiling other exciting vehicles that will soon be arriving!

This isnt it!
I really hope

Thought i saw Stormer 30, Just turned out to be Type 89, now im dissapointed, but FV712 fox is nice, knowing gaijin their gonna place it at 8.0



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Its the teaser, we’ve still got like 50% of the vehicles this patch yet to be shown.


I am morbidly curious if the M60-120S is going to be coming with the built prototype’s power pack (which was just M60 engine & transmission) or the intended production model’s version, with a 1200hp engine + Allison X-1100-5 transmissions

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It gets Hydra 70 rockets; 5 in Zuni rockets; TOW missiles; AGM-114 Hellfire; AIM-9 Sidewinder basically the exact same but worse than the ah-1z, you don’t get APKWS which are insanely good and you also dont get the hmd and i doubt it gets 9ms obviously but its just an earlier version and im sure there are some ppl that are a fan of it but it will be a nice addition at around 10.3!

ohh i know, just waiting for it to out perform the stinger XD

Well leak list seems legic so sweden is getting a King tiger… For some reason. i mean we could have gotten any SPAAs or Draken variant but fine ig.

Words spoken by derranged XD

this thing is going to be 11.0 maybe 11.3 100% The existing 1Z has no advantages over it except for AIM-9M and maybe MAWS?