“Alpha Strike” Update trailer

Yeah but the problem is I want Increment 1 and 3 (the none DE variants) and my only tru Government source is. A congressional CSR report.

Hope we get some cool skins for the Alpha Jets :D


Also, it looks like BVRAAMs aren’t coming yet

womp womp

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Here Saab MSHORAD MFU - Passed for Consideration - War Thunder - Official Forum

Wrong M-SHORAD! I meant the US’s one.

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Oh, okay then

We mean this, the stryker M-SHORAD


For the U-S-A!


The 30mm with MMPA and Longbows Hellfires! Also, stingers. But better stingers?

Not saying I don’t think that one shouldn’t be added either. I just wasn’t referring to it.

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Its fine, i just missunderstood XD

I’ve began to not care about new vehicles because it’s mostly stuff I’ll never play or face.

It just sucks if you don’t want/don’t have high tier aircraft or tanks.

Yep, untill the hype of modern vehicles die we wont return to that Br bracket… Sadly

Didnt the german Tiger also have HMD?

again not a patch, but attack of the clones. when will this stop??
why did the Hungarian Air Force did so badly??? 100% clones, even without trying.
not a single unique plane


Damn, 99% is all copy paste. And you did that in 3 Months?


Well the Gripen is unique but in a wierd way idk

I don’t know for there German ones, hence why I don’t mention them. AFAIK, the roivkat something (SA held), the French tigers and the AH1Z all have the top owl, but only the AH1Z in game actually has it.
I feel like it’s a musta have for the French heli especially considering the poor performances of the Mistral

Beautiful, just look at that sexy F-20…
Thank you gaijin…

will probly pull 22G’s XD

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Iglas are 10.2 Gs,

Still funny as they are the only missile modeled with a G-pull that precise. Everything else is rounded up/down to an even 15, 24, 30 G number.

For whatever reason it was important enough for Gaijin to model the extra .2 G for this missile