Alpha Jet ICE and other variants?

definitly should very least get the double rocket pylon rack

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The antenna “visually” is there, probably due to a modeling error. This is more likely than thinking that they forgot to put in ECM.

I guess if they wanted him to have an ECM, we would have seen it.
Of course that does not mean that we do not try to request it, it just clarified that it was not a bug.

As for the BR, it’s just a guess on my part and still a placeholder.

However, this is still somewhat inexplicable. I see no reason not to have the double pylon rack

only thing I can come up with is that they have the same manual as we do and just looked at the table of usual loadouts starting at page 240

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Report about the missing Countermeasures is allready written and got acknowledged

Thats great! And I think it should still stay at 9.0

Because it can what better than a A-4E?

Only thing it has over the A-4E is CCIP

What I meant is that it should not go up in br because of the flares. I also think it should not be at the same br as the G91 r/3. At the end of the day the A-4E is just under tiered…

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Maybe we have to wait for another BR changes, or the second major update when Gaijin would separate battle ratings for different modes.

That is, only because of the gun it is at 9.0, considering that the Swedish SAAB is at 8.3?

This is a german thread so i wont develop it too much but you are wrong

Missiles are compatible and flares/chaff can be introduced through Alkan CEM-1 combination pods

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yes and that means we wont see it in the game, it is purely theoretical a paper plane

Theoretical like the Yak-141’s radar and weapons. Or the entire existence of the F-16AJ. Giving an Alpha Jet ICE the wingtip rails and Maverick capability would be no different. And it’d give Germany a subsonic CAS with guided missiles that’s actually German rather than Swiss. I have no issues with Russia and Japan getting jets that are theoretical configurations (but are still planes that actually flew so the flight models aren’t theoretical) and it shouldn’t be a problem for Germany to get one as well.


As much as I would love the Alpha Jet ICE with 2 AIM-L and 4 AGM-65D, I just don’t see it happening.

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it’s a sorta Ho-229 thing

It’s needed but it’s obvious that german air is so far behind on the priority list that I don’t see it coming either


Yeah, Alpha Jet itself was 5 years late



I don’t expect it to happen either, but I still think it should.

at least getting the alpha jet late means it isn’t power creeped like many other planes around this br.

Patch is live, Alpha Jet A engines got updated to Larzac 04-C6. No change in thrust though, which isn’t unexpected. Sadly the CRV7 rockets didn’t get added.

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