Allow PlayStation and XBOX players to enter the Market and have the same privileges as PC players

Thing is that has nothing to do wih this…

These are competing consoles, having a third party put a game on thier services, of which they didn’t want the marketplace.

I don’t need to produce ‘evidence’ to satisfy your want for an explanation, I’m merely saying that they don’t have it due to thier arrangements, which don’t have the marketplace available…

Hell, they don’t even share the same packs as the PC, so you can really back that bus RIGHT up.


Further to this, Gaijin isn’t in the US, so your lawsuit wants, can go flitter away…

Haha. So Sony and Microsoft are exempt from lawsuits from non-US based entities?

Do you even know what anti-trust means? That case is very relevant to the topic at hand.

I’m done. You’re exhausting.

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Kind of odd how some people believe both
A: Gaijin is super greedy
B: Gaikin is refusing to expand the number of people they can sell stuff to

If Gaijin could, they would of added the market to consoles day1


I agree with you completely

That’s right, it doesn’t offer…

Yes, it is subject to American justice. I can’t tell you what the judicial process would be like.

It would be an option

They didn’t sue Nintendo, Xbox or Sony because neither of the 3 opposed the cutting of the middle man surcharge unlike apple and google. They didn’t think that “manufacturers share” was fair. Hence why they took the % out of the price. Sparking apple to ban them from their platform and google to follow suite.

Which then spark epic games to sue those respective company’s and later being reinstated on the google play store. (Yet to Apple Store, despite the court ruling in epics favour)


Xbox, Sony and Nintendo never contested or took action against epic games because of this, so epic games never sued them.

They can and could have, they would have to change a couple things. Most likely make a console specific type of market. But they’re greedy that’s why they haven’t cause they don’t want to cough up the 30%.

Greed is the ultimate sin that punishes a player base.
Console players get to experience that everyday.

If gaijin cared about the player base as much as other company’s do then they would conform to the requirements as they have with the premium packs and other micro transactions.

(Google says Sony takes 30% but I don’t think that’s true, pretty sure it’s slightly more, cause micro transactions are slightly more expensive on PlayStation that on Xbox)


Gaijin greedy so console players suffer

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I hope you realise they pay tax on psn, no platform is tax exempt. Pc players pay tax on purchases on the, steam, epic games, no doubt the gaijin market. And literally anywhere you put your details in to make a purchase.


Person being a bit silly and forgetting how tax works

That’s why I said “IDK about PSN”.

I’ve never payed tax on PC. It’s always the same amount it says in the store when I purchase tings. The only time I got taxed was when I used a visa gift card. I promise mate

Def do know how taxes work :)

Tax is included in the sale price you dummy check your god damn recipes before you make a smart remark

Woah, that escalated quickly… I don’t consider tax as part of the listing price. Tax is additional money you pay on top of the listing price. Also it’s not a Smart *** remark. It was an honest one, that had no rude meaning or connotation behind it :)

Example- 5000 GE is 24.75 on PC and 24.99 on Xbox. It’s already more expensive on Xbox but then you also pay like another .3 of your total in tax. Something you don’t do on PC.

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Yes very sorry was just a very silly thing as tax is included in the final sale price. I didn’t mean anything negative by it which may be hard to believe because of the strong wording but we are no doubt from different places where we speak differently. So I’m sorry about that.

No matter what you buy and/or what on/where tax is always part of what you pay. Tax also works differently based on where you live in the world. As everyone knows in the USA tax is added onto final sale price for us based. Gaijin is not so tax is included in the price listed so it’s a fairly bad example. The pure difference is Xbox operates under us guidelines, so tacks the tax on final sale price. Gaijin is not us since Europe tax included. Ignoring the % Xbox takes that’s why gaijin is “cheaper” than Xbox or PlayStation. Different regulations.

I assume you live in NA based on your breakdown of the cost on Xbox. Where your taxes are also done by you. Hence it gets tacked on so you can file it.

Where as where I live tax is always included, so something that costs $5 is $5 not $5.20 because that $5 includes the tax.

So something on Xbox if $20, final sale price is $20.00 because 15% of that price is the included tax (Local tax on goods is 15% across the boards here (aka GST))

So while you may believe you don’t pay tax when you buy x thing from the, yes you are just it’s not displayed the way you may be used to. Everything has tax even money paid from tax.

TLDR: everything has tax no matter how it looks

Lol it’s okay, I was just a little surprised at it.

I’ve never payed more or even equal amount on PC as I did on Xbox so never figured that tax still applied to it. It also never stated the tax amount always just me paying the amount it costs on the store.

Xbox cost more as does PlayStation because the company’s take a 30% stake of the sale price, that’s why pc is cheaper, just like is cheaper than steam bc steam also takes a percentage. But everything is taxed nothing except charity’s and not for profits are exempt

Yeah that makes sense. I thought they put it higher on there on purpose then the tax that was applied was what goes to those companies

You were saying?

Epic was banned because it bypassed Google’s and Apple’s app store. Allowing for direct sales. Because of this, Apple and Google banned them. And that’s how the lawsuit started. It’s all in the link that I provided. Direct quotes from Court given depositions.

So I would suggest you check your receipts!

I did say the basis of their banning, and if you read your receipt it was pertained in reference to epic v google, so maybe you should read your receipts :)

And epic hasn’t had the need to take legal action against console company’s because they didn’t contest the developer % cut. (Which I said( and is evident if you actually look at the price of epic services on any console 30% less than what it cost 3 years ago))

The fact of the matter is you supplied something pertaining to the specifics of the epic v google lawsuit and tried using that as evidence for console bc they were willing to give an explanation why they haven’t sued them.

The reasons that apple and google ended up in court was because they removed and blocked all things epic from the App Store and google play store in retaliation to epic cutting out the 30% they take on micro transactions. At the exact same time they also done that on every platform that house epic games content, whether Nintendo, Xbox, PlayStation or steam. Nobody else took action against epic games.

Leaving no need for there to be a legal battle over the rights of platform monopoly’s and exploitative behaviour towards developers by these platforms.

TLDR: read the actual response and your “research” before you comment