Allow Players to Switch Between SPAA and Tanks in Ground RB

In Ground Arcade there is a system that allows players to Spawn fighters while leaving their ground vehicles unattended in the Battle. With high tier light tanks it’s possible to spawn a UAV and control it independently from the ground vehicle.

I don’t have an issue with CAS, but I think reactivity is a serious problem with Ground RB. While some SPAA are very effective in the ANTI tank role, many are not. I am proposing a system where players can Switch control between the chosen SPAA in their lineup and their primary vehicle (lets assume it’s any vehicle other than SPAA). So when an enemy team starts flying in a large number of planes, players on the receiving end of the airstrikes don’t need to die before they have a chance to respawn and act.

It might sound unbalanced but here me out. In order to switch between SPAA and the Primary Vehicle, players will need to leave one vehicle parked on the battlefield unable to react. So the SPAA will be vulnerable while the player is tanking, and the tank will be vulnerable while the SPAA is AA-ing.

Using a similar interface to the Nuke as an example, this option should be available so long as the player has enough Spawn Points accumulated to pay the cost of spawning an SPAA whether it be the first or the 6th (I don’t see players bringing more than 3 x SPAA in a lineup)

What do you all think?

Probably needs, to be under ‘suggestions-gameplay’, with tags for ‘ground battles’ and ‘anti air’. I tried to edit it and move it myself but I don’t have permission to create threads in the suggestions area