You know what would be really weird/interesting? An India/Pakistan tree. Not advocating for it, just thinking about it since they were united under British India before Independence. Thinking on how there was a push for a United Korea Tree or ROC/PRC Tree, etc. made me wonder about it however, the history/instances between India and Pakistan are far different than the others mentioned above. Each is a unique situation. Just rambling lol. China is the safest bet for Pakistan currently until we see your idea or others
It is an interesting thought, since India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh were at one point all united territory. Perhaps a proposal for those three nations could be made? But then again, the backlash would probably be high, given the tensions. Though, as you said, PRC and ROC are together, so why not that?
I think it wouldn’t be a Pakistan tree, more like an export tree, with many Pakistan tanks, but also others like Tanzanian Type-59G, Thailand vt-4,
Given the plothera of Chinese export-oriented vehicle, I think we might be able to get this tank along with other export vehicles, either as a 5th branch or something to fill the gap along the line of the existing tree.
Even 2 lines, export MBT and export light tanks including wheeled vehicles.
Yeah, though afaik Gaijin kinda put the limit on the maximum lines per tech tree at 5 due to coding restriction or smth like that.
These are VT-4s being manufactured in Pakistan
Which was during British colonial rule.So I think it’s not a good idea.
look at the turret’s roof, it still keeps type 59’s characteristic, a ridge and 2 hatch, even the ventilator.

Looks like you are right.But is this actually a new turret?It looks same as before.
Maybe more like Baoli’s type 59g-125, but 59g-125 also lacks information, some says that the 59g-125 uses heavy era to cover old turret instead of making a new welded turret. But the 59g-105 on left, is surely a new welded turret.
Anyway, Al-Zarrar’s welded turret version is still under production according to the news. Just wait and see.
Here are the video:
About 59g-125: Type 59G-125 - Suggestions / Ground - War Thunder — official forum
Btw you can check out my suggestion on Durjoy mbt
Thanks! Wasn’t aware of the new turret project, might be worth its own suggestion if more info is found.
Is this the same as this turret? From IDEAS 2022 expo:
The video also shows the interior of the new turret.
Thanks, I think that’s it, I can’t find the picture of the new Al-Zarrar before, even the factory exhibits the old one in video. Now, it seems that the new Al-Zarrar is more like a ztz96(the one at br 9.3), with thick composite armor on turret, but no era(for now).
Al Zarrar Transmission
Driver area:
Thermal sight:
Ammo stowage:
+1 from me, I have been a long time advocate for either a Pakistani mini-tree, along the likes of how Israel has been implemented, or a sub-tree under China.
I also have further information and images to supply regarding the Al-Zarrar. For ammunition, the Al-Zarrar is noted as being able to fire all the same rounds as the Al-Khalid and T-80UD tanks of the Pakistan Armored Corps which includes the 125mm DU APFSDS round Nazia and potentially the future Sejjeel APFSDS round seen below:
Additionally, there is some evidence to suggest that Al-Zarrar tanks have replaced the THETIS system with Catherine-FC 2nd Gen Thermal Imagers based on the old website of Shibli Electronics and the Linkdn pages of several former employees.
Finally, a new version of the Al-Zarrar using composite armor on the hull and turret was shown last year at an Army Expo in Pakistan, see below and note the Type-85-like turret and the much thicker UFP.
- I hope to see this, Type 85-IIAP, and the Haider (VT-4 derivative) in the China tree as Researchable options.
- I don’t think they should be premium/purchasable, the only vehicle other Pakistani-used vehicle that should be purchasable is the T-80UD which should be a squadron vehicle.
- For the Al-Zarrar specifically…probably BR: 9.3-9.7.

a lil collection of the various Al-Zarrar variants ive managed to find