holy shit i cant believe you still hold on to these deranged views, if you think AAA needs to be removed try playing 9.3+, i just had a match where i literary just climbed and waited for enemy to run out of fuel because i knew i had more… then killed him on runway, then got killed on AF myself by somebody else.
lol 8 times outa 10 yesterday I was killed after I landed with no weapons a couple kills and 40 secs of fuel but people keep telling me no one camps Airfields so AAA is not needed and it ruins games…
Tough luck. I never AF camp. AF camping is all about using AF AAA to your advantage. I only kill people in a fair manner, f.e. by strafing them on the runway where they expect.to be protected by AF AAA and hope to outlast me. Tough luck. All they have to do is get gud.
They should learn to aim. If you mean Yak-15 it is absolutely OP, low ammo is the broken balancing factor. Broken because if you can aim or manage to use AF AAA, it’s not a real issue. Same goes for BI (which can cruise for entire game at 750 with 1m of fuel because stalinium magic)…
No, they wouldn’t. People with no idea would stop using them, and good players would push them all the way up, just like it happened to Reeeeeee.2005. Gaijin’s balancing algorithm is a joke.
Nope we won most games it just losers avoiding the fight entirely to come do repeated low passes on airfield to farm a high kdr without actually fighting anyone
Exactly, that is your problem, and you make it sound like it should be wverybody’s problem, that you aren’t allowed to spend as much time circling AF as you want.
Landing happens very rarely, especially with 25m matches. What happens a lot more often is AF campers ruining the game for everyone.
Damn when AF AAA did not work at all, I got strafed 0 times total. Get gud.
Nobody is saying 9.3 AA is busted. It’s not. It’s actually fairly reasonable, and it would be pretty good to see the SACLOS nerf reverted so the SAMs are more dangerous. The thing about top tier AA is that it’s counterable since pretty much everything has CCIP and bombs or rockets at that BR, if not guided munitions, and coming top-down is a viable strategy. Whereas at prop tier, the airfield is a 4km killzone that doesn’t care what angle you come from. You can destroy top tier AA if you put in the effort, you can’t do the same to lower tier AA.
rofl landing happens near every match I play mate wth are u doing ??? You sound like your entire game experience is different than mine like I never see people circling airfield thats a myth to me the only people circling airfields in my games are people trying to ninja people who landed