WHEN !!!
is something going to be done about this god awful ,unbalanced, ability to spam numerous aircraft BUT we can only access 3 tanks .
Does anyone see a problem with this ?
Its about time this game was levelled up 3 planes and 3 tanks ONLY that way once one set is gone no more issued unlike now when you get planes like you get arty over and over .
So much for a fair and balanced game
lol if a plane drops a bomb on you in ground arcade you have more than enough time to drive away
Not really,the fuze on the bombs vary from aircraft to aircraft
There are planes that have indeed a very long fuze time (A-4B and its 250lb bombs coff coff),and others that basically have a 0.5s fuze
Not to mention helicopters and their ATGMs
that i can cope with but 3 tanks and numerous planes take the p
what i want to know is if this game is so balanced wtf do we only have 3 tanks while every air noob and his family can spawn numerous plane after plane yet we are only allowed to take out 3 bloody tanks? , How is that balanced ,who bloody thought up that idea on the toilet?
They can only take numerous planes by killing numerous enemy ie your team - so they are not the noobs.
If you can’t do that or can’t take fighters to counter them then it is you who are the noob.
Have fuzes been changed lately - used to be 10 seconds from when dropped - so if dropped from high altitude they appear to explode as soon as they hit the ground - but did a bit of GAB for the BP over the weekend and that didn’t seem to be the case - higher alt drops still took a long time to explode after hitting the ground??
Dunno, nowadays i play less than usually due to work,so my gameplay in GAB is not focused on bombers,but i’ll give it a try nonetheless