Aircraft should have diffrent battle ratings in ground battles

What performance?

Only 2x IRs, struggles to go supersonic, bleeds speed with any maneuver, can’t even turn right…

How is this pibe even remotely comparable to F-4E or MiG-23M?

Struggles to go supersonic? I go mach 1.05 with bombs, and 1.15 without bombs.
F-4E goes mach 1.10 - 1.12.
And Mig-23 is below 1.10 last I checked.
It’s a bomber, you’re in & out fast. Ideally before any of their fast boys get even close.
Which is what I did for the most part, and still ended up with 2:1 KDR during my intercept shenanigans.
So 1 - 2 bases first pass + intercept, sometimes another 2 bases later on in the match, sometimes more intercept after that.
Yeah, air RB is why IDS went to 11.0. It was strikingly easy to perform well.

All of those are identical BRs in ground & air under the proposed system.
G91YS especially. It’s 9.7 because of air RB, not ground.
Fw 190 F-8 is 5.0 because of air RB as well. Getting an airspawn makes its climb rate even better.
Me 262 A-1/U4 is a superior air RB plane than the 6.0 162. I’d say it’s on par with Yak 15 personally.

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The Me 262 A-1/U4 is a superior ARB plane due to the guns?

It has a single 50mm.

I also noticed you had no comment on the Tu-2’s or Yer-2’s. Can you provide a rational explanation as to how the Tu-2 ARB BR’s makes sense compared to say, the Su-8? Or when the Wyvern sits at 4.0?


If you change aircraft br for ground battles, Then you would have to do the same for naval.

Oh the 6.7 one, sorry I forget the names of the 7.3 & 6.7 one from time to time. 6.7 is fine, that gun kills aircraft in one shot.
Tu-2 is vastly superior to Su-8 for air RB. Su-8 can’t bomb a base.
And Wyvern is a glass cannon that’s not even the fastest 4.0.

I’d be down for that as well to be honest. I think with how hard planes are (In NRB), dropping a few down, at least a few props in the BR6+ range down to 4.7-5.7 would enable more to be usable specially anything with torps in lower BR line-ups. Especially as NRB BRs are less based on balance and more on ship class.

All the meta props for naval are already at ship BRs.
AM-1 is the best torp thrower and that’s 5.7. So it’s going to stay 5.7 for naval even with separation.

Shackleton Mk.2
Tempest Mk2

All are candiates from around BR6/6.3 that ‘could’ be moved down to 5.7 to open additional options for NRB. and im sure there are more, but im not familiar with all trees.

Im sure a similar list of aircraft can be pulled together for the 4-4.7 range as well, dropping a few that are about 5ish down to to that bracket would also free up more options

The point im making, is that there might be a “META” prop for NRB already, but not every nation has the AM-1. So for a few, a small drop could be beneficial.

Do you really have to rain on everyones parade? I’m fairly certain you’d turn around and try and stop Gaijin giving everyone a million SLs.

will it happen, probably not, but there ARE aircraft that are too high in ARB due to GRB, there ARE aircraft that are too high in GRB becasue of ARB and there ARE aircraft that are rarely used, or very difficult to use in NRB because they sit at the bracket above.

I’d love to take the Tempest Mk2 out in my naval line-up for 5.7, but I wont because adding a 6 will increase the chances of encountering BBs

Shackleton can’t cause that thing is currently POTENT in all game modes. Slightly less in air RB cause you gotta have some luck on your side, but 15x 1000 pounders can kill a few BBs let alone how many cruisers.
AD-4 [I assume the French one since AD-4 is inferior to AM-1 for USA]. Maybe… I know air RB & ground RB it’s potent, but with France you also have PB4Y instead and it’d only drop to 5.7 which France doesn’t have a lineup for.
F8F1B is perfect at 6.3 for all game modes. It’s a monster.
Same with F4U7. And none of them can be pulled to 4.7 in naval, purely cause they’d be OP against the 4.7 fighters.
For 5.3, since France is limited to that, the aircraft I choose for every Naval tree:

PB4Y USA & France.
B7 Japan.
Nothing for Italy.
Wyvern, Sea Fury, Beaufighter Mk21 for Britain.
Be-6, Tu-1, and I-225 for USSR.
Do217, and BV138 for Germany.

There’s good reason why aircraft BRs would stay their BRs in naval and air, as the situations are rather similar.

No one here is a troll. This is a community, not a place for incitement.


@SPANISH_AVENGER @Morvran On this one i gotta say that razer is right that the Tornado IDS Marinefliegers BR is based on its ARB performance, but he could have explained why, the reason being that if it gets a lower br it praticaly gets all bases bombed and every other aircraft is to small.

So the problem is that the BR of the tornados isnt to high, the problem is that the BR is still to compressed with 12.0 and it needs to get further decompressed, but the problem then currently is that the current 12.0 planes wouldnt find that many match ups

Tornado IDS MFG is 11.0 right? So why is the other 3 IDS Tornados at 11.3? They have the same AAMs, same top speed, same everything (that matters in ARB), they only really differ in A2G weapons. I agree. 11.0 is probably about right for the Tornado IDS, at least until BR decompression. But the only reason I can think that the other 3 are at 11.3 instead is because of GRB (laser guided bombs/PGMs) and not ARB

Most of the 11.3s, and a number of the 11.0s are fine to face 12.0s. 11.0s only see up to 4, and 11.3s up to an amount I never checked.
German 11.3 Tornado. I survived half the matches, some are ground matches too, but the point still stands.
Yeah it’s not my 2/3 matches survived for the 11.0, partially cause it was 10.7 for most of that.

They are “fine”, the problem is that everything 11.0 pretty much only faces uptier which doesnt make it feel balanced anymore. Would there be more downtiers the planes would feel better as a result aa well


That is the biggest issue with BRs, more often than not, you aren’t facing your BR, you are facing your BR+0.7 usually. The rate at which I get downtiers was so low, its one of the reasons I quit ARB. I was always playing with a handicap

Q-5L can bomb a base, Yak-28 cannot.
Yak-28 has never been able to bomb a single base in a sortie.
I-15 isn’t 11.0.

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I mean…

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List is bad, moved 12.0s completely out of the range of all 11.0s.

and why exactly is that a bad thing