Air Simulator Battles - General Discussion

I shall after work

I would be glad if the radar would pick up friendly AI reliably. Don’t know how often I chased one and could not id him because he did not pop up on the Radar.

But this was an interesting update. Let’s see how it plays

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I’ve never really had that Issue, but I do wish STT showed IFF. Then you could just use ACM and still get IFF on something like that

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Had to find a video showing it what it use to be like. But here is a before and after:


Screenshot 2025-03-18 200226

Before had 2 very distinct lines


Screenshot 2025-03-18 200006

You have a narrow line and a thick line stacked together. Better I think in the long run when you have a load contacts overlapping, but nearly resulted in a AI bomber eating an Aim-9L because I just saw a single line in my peripheral

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There’s also now an option to select when your radar displays IFF info:

  1. Never (why would you not want it?)
  2. Always when available (pretty sure this is default, because I didn’t change anything and noticed I was still getting IFF info after the update)
  3. (and 4) A couple others that depend on mode, IIRC, but I wasn’t interested enough to take note.

You never get the 2 vertical bars, which denote the target which will be locked, appearing on a friendly (assuming you have IFF).

Aren’t those all related to RWR IFF.

You originally had any RWR pings would appear. Friend or foe. But this caused a lot of clutter and made the RWR kinda useless in a furball. Then they changed it so that RWR would filter all warnings from friendly radars, including when a friendly fired at you (not ideal) and now you can pick and choose what you want to be able to see

Is there way to test flight Denmark or Port Moresby EC. I want to test out if ports can be taken by hydroplanes and what it takes to destroy those pillboxes on seashores from few experiments i did they seem invincible, public games are too crowded for testing all that and dont offer flexibility.

Ah, you’re right; I misread that when I looked at the change log. That makes much more sense.

RWRs have to be programmed with characteristics of absolutely every radar likely to be encountered, otherwise detected emissions will show up as an ‘unknown’ which is obviously quite a concerning tag to see. This means air traffic control radars, weather radars etc etc all need to be included in the data base - but you don’t want to see all that displayed. A generic RWR might have an option to progressively ‘tune out’ lower level threats, such as enemy early warning systems or search radars. Such emissions might be of interest while you still have ‘enemy coast ahead,’ but as you get close to target you only want to be bothered by target tracking, missile guidance or other ‘kin serious radars.

This feature simulates a bit of that for the known friendly radars: you can either have them displayed (more SA, but also more distracting) or gradually tune out the less threatening ‘friendly’ radars.

I wonder how (or if) the game knows the difference between a friendly F-4, for example, and an F-4 or the enemy team (or MiG-21 etc)? Ahistoric lineups and many copy-paste aircraft in multiple TTs make this a common problem. I assume the RWR knows the difference by ‘magic.’

You can’t capture with floatplanes - I managed to test that a few years ago when a suitable capture task came up. Perhaps it changed? However, any change in Air EC seems highly unlikely.

Coastal artillery needs a direct hit (or very, very close to that - maybe, if you’re lucky) and a 2000 lb bomb will do it, so will 1000-lbers, but I think you need a couple. Given DM improvements over the years and new types of bombs, you might find AP bombs of less than 1000 lb / 500 kg would also be effective with a direct hit.

I was thinking of destroying all ships and costal artilery with some high tier plane while having unlimited ammo on and then land with floatplane, one time like year ago i did emergency landing with etendard near harbour point on Denmark and it was marked like contested points are in ground battles but capturing wasnt progressing.

I tried with japanese 800kg bomb didnt have any luck with direct hit

Yeah, it does…it just filters all firendlies but leaves enemies, even if they are the same aircraft (some RWRs did have IFF IRL, like the Gr7, but it’s mostly a game thing)

But with mixed teams and planes this is the best, or least worse solution

It’s my understanding that the IRL IFF prevents locking on to friendlies (unless Turkey shows you how to hack the software to turn it off).

source: 'New technology allows Turkey to attack Israeli targets' - The Jerusalem Post

Yeah it is, and if you want max immersion, these settings give you the choice. Gaijin doing a good thing for a change

I suppose it does in game. But only with cyclic selection. That would be a good thing to add with manual selection (or at the very least, a setting option for it, there are times where I want to lock my radar into a friendly because I can then see where they are in my HUD)

I feel like it was there in Arcade but right now in arcade mode I can’t target anything (with my F-14 radar) in any mode other than “ACM” and only in close range… something terrible has happened.

That definetly sounds wrong. I’ve had no issues in ASB in either the FRS1 or FA2 since the update. So I would make sure your settings havent reset after the update. There were some tweaks to the radar controls this major and if you use a default config, they may have changed

I think I need to make a video - the issue is there’s no returns to target (I have it set to manual and the manual controls still move the curser around, but there’s no circles to highlight)

It should be circles in TWS mode which is what I normally use; it does show returns in PD SRC (etc) mode but when I try to target one they all disappear and nothing is targeted…

Yeah, that is very very strange