Air RB is Shovelware

Well, it’s just an idea…
I believe that Gaijin is capable of making anything out of this game, he has the capabilities and abilities to do it… if I look at the Top tiers, what technologies he is able to model, it shouldn’t be a problem…

But I think they have some basic supporting idea ( DEVS ) …

  1. the game will be available not only to ultra-enthusiasts in simulating air combat, but also to regular players of online games who have WT as one game among many…
  2. WT has a PEGI 12+ rating, so it is difficult to ask a player who is over 10 years old to control and be interested in doppler radars and general radar technology somehow too complicated …
  3. I think that the priority is Ground Forces type battles … but there are a lot of players who play only one component of the technique and, moreover, only one specific setting (e.g. ARB)
  4. a lot of players want fast action and some planes can’t do without height, but for them to climb for even 10 minutes is tedious and boring…etc.etc.

So it’s probably not easy to please everyone…

But otherwise, I’m happy to join the ranks of those who want to upgrade the ARB mod…


But alas, i am a forum goblin, and i will provide information regardless if you think it is relevant to the context or not.

I’d like to see optional game modes. 8v8, 12v12, 16v16, and so on…

Having more options to experience the game as each individual wants to. It really affects nothing to have different sized servers since we can already support the 16v16.

Having an option for longer matches would be awesome. CSGO did this fairly well with comp vs the arcade modes. If you wanted to truly engage in a thought out game, you could go to comp and invest an hour into a match.

I don’t like the idea of the game being structured towards one side or the other. Some people like big matches and some people hate them. Let each have their own. Increase the match times to 30 minutes at least (in non bomber modes haha).

DO NOT let the AI win or lose a match. Only thr players should be able to do this unless it’s a specific PVE mode.


Thing is, though, restructuring the mode toward “objective-focused” gameplay would not in any way detract from the ability of fighter guys to have fun dogfighting.

It would simply make matches be more than just dogfighting.

To me the root of the mess is each objective ending the round by itself. No teamplay can happen here once one objective is complete. Only by all of us giving up that privilege can we hope to change the mode for the better.

Dogfights aren’t the problem, “hostile team has lost all its aircraft” is.

Bombing runways was never the problem, “airbase destroyed” was.

CAS was never the problem, but it being able to rush tickets down to zero in 5min even today on some maps was and still is.


I think we need separated modes which accomplish different goals for what the player has interest in.

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Yet snail is wholly against separate modes due to queue times.

Therefore, converting the existing mode into one where all planes can actually contribute without any one class being forced to stomp on the others’ toes should be the answer.

It could begin by being as simple as “no more continuous game-ending ticket bleeds, each objective can only bleed 50% of the tickets, best 2 of 3 wins the round.”

Then fighters being fighters doesn’t necessitate pulling the rug out from under CAS on your own team. And vice versa.


I think there is only one real solution. There isn’t really any queue time issues except for Sim and Naval these days.

If we work to convert the one game mode model, there will always be a one side vs the other argument. The only real solution, which Gaijin needs to accept, is that we need more modes. As the game grows in community, the modes also need to.

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And what I’m saying is that by reforming the existing mode, there doesn’t need to be “sides” at all.

Allowing a round to continue after the enemy planes are shot down does not detract from the fun dogfight you just had. It allows those who care about using their multirole loadouts the option to use them. Anyone who doesn’t wish to use them can go land at the nearest runway and leave the round.


Aether is right. Gaijin will never split the playerbase into further modes unless they stand to gain a lot by doing that in some other way. What you’re asking for will simply not happen…

There are many players, yes. But they’re not equally distributed. That’s why some modes have long queue times.

Split 100 by four equally and you get 25 each, which you can work with, but what happens in reality is that say two modes become more popular and one is pretty unpopular, so the split becomes 30 - 30 - 25 - 15. The mere fact that the top two modes have faster queue times encourages more players to flock there, which shorten the queue times, and the feedback loop continues, until you’re 40, 40, 15, and 5.

You can already see this happen in WT, which has more game modes than most MMOs. I’d love to play SB more, but feel like I’d be wasting my time available for the game by queueing up for long times, so I just play more RB instead, for example.

Air RB is where a solution that works for everyone will have to be found.

The only way i could see a separate mode for EC working is if its limited to the upper BR’s for Air RB. Id say 9.7+.

There is a good amount of players in the matchmaker here and wouldn’t be a huge impact on que times.

But im not against reworking the mode altogether. I agree with pretty much everything you said.

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Thank you for explaining things better than I ever could.

Now I can only wonder if that same argument can be successfully fielded against the people wanting TO mode or any other mode.

I’d sooner retire Air RB and replace it entirely with EC, but using oldschool Air AI ground units if it was entirely up to me.

EC already does a lot of what “reforms” I’d love to see in ARB anyways, other than still moronically retaining “hostile team has lost all its aircraft” auto-end bleeds.

ARB will sadly always be a dead end as long as each objective auto-ends the round on its own, thereby disfavoring teamwork and relegating two of three to “inefficient” status that get gradually gutted by the folk playing the “efficient” win strategy.

It honestly baffles me why few people seem to get this. Glad you understand at least.

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