Air RB is Shovelware

Though everyboby know that air rb is bad experience and gaijin knows too,gaijin never change that,suggestion is good hope gaijin can do somethng on air rb

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I’m not touching this game until Air RB becomes an enjoyable experience


All these laser guided bombs, rockets and so on to bomb 4 bases…

Larger maps, dynamic AI targets and strategic bomb targets and you’d have a nice, enjoyable game mode.


While playing the notoriously sober MiG-29 9-13, I’ve ended quite a few matches with my drop tank still full enough to comfortably go back to base.

5-6 minutes are mostly if you take time from the game start rather than the spawn of players I’d say.

yea its one of the things that bother me so much, new gen strikers are basically useful only in ground rb, useless and out of place in air rb. Point is that air rb shouldnt be a team death match but a proper game mode where every type of aircraft should have a useful role to fill


If I were an Air RB player only I would be really annoyed.
You spend time and effort and SLs to unlock mods that have no use in Air RB.

Theoretically you could bring out your Gripen targeting pod and fire your ATGB or GBU at AI targets, but the map size limitation and placement of the AI targets means that you probably have a radar missile up your rear side by the time you’re dropping your 2nd bomb.

Running EC size maps and giving it some better targets, like a moving train, a command center, a specific truck in a convoy…and you would have a reason to grind for all that extra ammo that you need to strike ground targets.

Ah well, What If…? :D


I laughed at this since it’s funny. Although the impression we get does feel like this however I don’t think that’s their intention it just seems like communication is difficult due to a language barrier a start would be not writing 15-page essays explaining something. Since often it isn’t needed to explain something thoroughly.

i tried using the harrier gr7 to strike ai tanks in air rb a couple times, way harder than bombing bases and basically no reward… i dont get it, it really seems gaijin devs dont play their own game, balancing issues are so clear that we shouldnt even have to be here making posts about it.

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You do realize that air RB was developed in like 2016 right?
You’re wrong by the way.
Your claim implies everything is shovelware when that’s obviously not the case.
Granted, Miragen is claiming the same thing.

A game mode being below an ideal doesn’t make it bad or easy to make; cause if air RB was easy to make it would’ve been done by other developers.

Air RB isn’t bad. It’s not astonishing, and it’s not bad.
I want air RB to be great personally, above what it currently is.

And you cannot know what Gaijin is doing. Changing air RB would require THOUSANDS of work hours in coding.
New AI, new other systems, etc.
And if you want to know how hard coding AI is: Eagle Dynamics took 3 years to overhaul their AI in DCS, a game with less going on. Of course their team is also smaller so we’ll see in time.

Take a chill pill & breathe.


Air RB goes back to the beta. So 2012-2013.

Shovelware is defined as software known for its quantity rather than its quality. - this perfectly describes Air RB. Every mechanic in Air RB is designed to rush you in and out of a match as quickly as possible, from the no respawn mechanic to the excessive auto ticket bleed. And there are many well known bugs.

So Yes it’s shovelware.

Sim isn’t shovelware. Ground isn’t shovelware. Naval isn’t shovelware. But Air RB IS shovelware. So im certainly not claiming “everything is shovelware”…

Idk how long it would take for the devs to overhaul AI. Gaijin has a very big team but idk.

However, there are very simple changes Gaijin could make to Air RB that would require a few days from 2 interns that could really help the mode.

No these changes wouldn’t be perfect but they would certainly help - reducing upper tier team size, adding multiple first spawn airfields, spreading out and adding AI targets… We as players can do this in a custom battle or mods fairly easily so im sure it would be an easy task for the devs to do these changes.

Yes a complete overhaul to Air RB or adding a new RB EC mode like some have suggested would be better and take more effort from the developers.

I used to give Gaijin the benefit of doubt. Ya know, when we were actively bringing up the issues with Air RB back in 2017…7 years later and Air RB remains in a very similar state to when this truly was a niche indie game. War Thunder is not niche anymore.

I could forgive the state of Air RB if this was a niche game but Im not going to lick the boot of the devs anymore. They deserve criticism here. So im going to continue to criticize them when they deserve it.

God forbid they have to step away from spamming us with new vehicles for one patch.

At the moment, Air RB is shovelware.


There is no auto ticket bleed in air RB; there is AI aircraft killing ground targets, that’s where the ticket bleed comes from.
Vehicle development teams aren’t the same as AI programmers.
The AI team that needs to finish the overhaul needs to complete their work, and vehicle development members ain’t gonna help them.

So no, you’re still wrong.
And on top of that, you’re wrong again. There’s no such thing as simple changes, especially to air RB.

“spreading out and adding AI targets” requires the AI overhaul.
Multiple airfields won’t fix anything at this time, and in-fact would make things worse; the solution is a randomized air spawn along a border in groups. I say randomized because it needs to be balanced in this gamemode.
This isn’t EC, and EC needs the AI overhaul… both for sim and a retest of air RB EC.

We all want improvements; and we need to wait.
Just as I want improvements in DCS and need to wait.
Especially since your post is just blindly ranting.

Insert “Actually Meme”.

Yea i know dude. The AI killing AI is the auto ticket bleed im talking about. - its broken on some maps.

You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing here.

As far as your AI overhaul comments…sure id love an AI overhaul but its not “required” to make these changes… An AI overhaul would just be ideal but there’s plenty of ways to do it without a complete overhaul.

-This sounds like Air Arcade.

Again, Im just trying to make changes as simple as possible for Gaijin so that we can realistically get some changes. It’s clear that they do not like to invest time in game mode development.

In a theoretical changed game mode, would this suggestion be better than multiple airfields? I have no clue. Maybe. Maybe not. I think it’s a good suggestion for Air Arcade but Air RB? Idk.

At this point we’re arguing over really small theoretical changes and we just haven’t made it far enough for me to be passionate about these smaller mechanics. The mode just needs to be fixed. Maybe your suggestion is good. Maybe it’s shit.


It is obvious that Gaijin cares about game mode development otherwise there wouldn’t be employees working on all the facets of game modes to begin with.
Which includes and is necessary: AI overhaul. Which is for ALL vehicles; fixed wing, rotor, ground, and sea. All built from the ground up as any new AI system will need to be limited to flight model performance like we are.
The AI has to be better at map navigation than currently to make development of maps easier and quicker.
An AI overhaul will require all maps to be changed as well.

You suggested the multiple spawn locations BTW.
However, you could have it randomize forced airfield spawns in groups, however that’s currently even less coded than the air one.
And no, none of these changes are small; all are large.
Oh, and of course would require new map variations.

We all want improved systems.
I just think your initial post should’ve been created from a place of calm, and after the roadmap publication.

Lol. Dude. We’re typing on a forum. What are you talking about? Im fine. I was just being sarcastic in my OP.

Mhm… I’ll just leave this one here…

There are many user created PVP and PVE missions that use in-game AI which play way better than the current Air RB.

I think you’re WAY to deep into the “AI overhaul” rabbit hole. Yeah AI overhaul would be really nice but it isn’t necessary for a PVP mode.

For a dedicated PVE mode, yes AI would need the overhaul you’re talking about.

But for TDM or even EC, i think you’re overstating the importance of AI. Maybe EC would require AI improvements but again Im trying to keep my suggestions as simple as possible for the devs.

I agree it would still be nice to see an AI overhaul.

We can disagree on this point. You don’t need to try to continue to justify why an AI overhaul is needed. I get your point just disagree on its importance, at this time.

In the long run, i think you’re right. We’re just far from the ideal mode right now.


I was totally exagerating. I think russian roulette would be a more accurate comparison to describe how fun is the air realistic battle.

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Halving the player count would help it so much. Its such a complete sense overload right now. There is no way to defend against everyone cause there is too many planes.

The maps are still dogshit with everything being in the center. Also whats with the AIs deciding to face plant into the ground in every fucking match so it ends in 10 minutes regardless of what the players do? I didnt like the 25 min change anyway but even that has no point now cause the face planting AI ends the match in 10 minutes.

Ive had so many potentially fun 2v2s, 1v1s or 1v2s and so on ruined by this dogwater mechanic. Its like gaijin actively wants to remove fun from top tier jets and literally block them from dogfighting every once in a while.


I agree. It really feels like they just deliberately try to block the most interesting moments in a match. At least 1 out of every 4 matches im in, both teams are down to 1 v 1 or 2 v 2 or 1 v 2 or 3 v 3, we all land, re-arm and are on the way to fight each other and then out of nowhere, the tickets drop and the match ends. It’s such a waste.

I also love the occasion AI Yak-38 doing mach 2.5 at treetop altitude.


Don’t insult Russian Roulette, atleast in a typical Revolver, there’s no underlying factor. It’s 1/6. In ARB, it’s like a million of factors, Map, Matchmaking, Team, etc. Besides, I bet Russian Roulette is more fun than ARB LOL


They introduced a small version of Afghanistant for top tier ARB now, it’s about as bad as the small version of (S)pain, and it would be hilarious if it weren’t spammed by the map rotation.

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I mainly play air RB, since ground battles is just call of duty with tanks, but with 16v16 they turned air RB into call of duty with planes so after 10 years of playing this game Im calling it quits.

Its just chaos and no fun at all. Honestly, after 2 weeks of not playing, I feel pretty good. Left a negative steam review and now i’ll move on, because its obvious that the devs are comitted to making the game as arcadey and chaotic as possible on purpose, and dont care about the opinions and feedback of their loyal customers. I wish I could get all the money I spent on this game back, or maybe the few thousand hours I spent playing.

It really says something when they claim the game is realistic and authentic, yet in reality the game is more arcadey and chaotic than Ace combat. Why put all this effort into making the vehicles authentic and the physics realistic when the combat scenarios they are placed in are the direct opposite?