Air Battles Bomb Targets Incentives


I have tried to suggest a slight change that would spice up the battles a bit.

It is a noticeable pattern that fast bombers always rush to the closest bomb target while they have better survivability due to their speed.
Slower bombers with lower survivability always have to pick the leftovers and go deeper into enemy zone.

Slow pace and long distance to achieve means higher risk of being intercepted and shot down before even having the chance of reaching a target, for the same potential reward.

What if we apply a ratio to the reward granted related to the distance separating the target from friendly airfield ?

The higher risk the better potential reward…

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This would only apply to Arcade. In Realistic, the bomb targets “realistically” regrow on most maps.

However, in realistic you are limited to at most 4 bombers per team anyway. So use the map and go elsewhere.

In arcade, as a slow bomber, your target should be the airfield, it doesn’t matter if you miss out on the appetizers.

So no, I don’t really think your suggestion improves things.

Yay they regrow and what do you do with your slow bomber fully loaded in the meantime while they regrow ?

“use the map and go elsewhere” XD thats the all point of my suggestion genius, push aircrafts with better survivabilty to go “elsewhere” with incentives.

Most maps do not regenerate bases fast enough to matter besides a 2nd flyout after rearm

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You say to yourself: Next time you check the map to see where the other faster bombers are heading to. And you don’t go there.

It doesn’t work: You sit in a slow bomber, while there is an incentive to use a faster one and profit more often. Hmm?

What I try to envision is what such a change will bring about. I see threads about how unfair it is for slow bombers not to reach the better targets. I see threads about bombers rush-crashing for the golden bases, all dropping and wasting tonnage on one base. The current situation contains enough incentives to play certain ways, I fail to see an improvement. Especially in the light of how teams proceed when the game is practically won. The incentive to let it run on and farm the loot is there, but it only happens once in a blue moon.

At least slower ones would have higher chance to get something, it is better than just going straight to death.

Are you so tradish you really think that we have enough incentives in the game? or it is just to prove someone’s wrong on the internet today?!!!

I think you should create a thread of your own about “keeping the game as it is” instead of responding by adding nothing constructive to this one!

Man, everyone but you thinks that the game modes are obsolete or outdated in war thunder. And we are trying to give ideas to the devs, it would also benefit gaijin so they can retain players.

Does it make you happy to be just waiting for new vehicules releases and do exactly the same things over and over with a slighlty different vehicule?

Simply rewarding team work and having a correlation risk/reward like a casino system would make this game funnier and one of the best out there in my opinion.

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At least slower ones would have higher chance to get something, it is better than just going straight to death.

You state this as a fact, but it is just your speculation. It is very similar to building ring roads or such. What is meant to ease existing traffic often causes more new traffic. Same here. Are you sure these golden bases will not cause more planes (ie fast attackers with air spawn) to compete for them, making your problem even worse, because now you have more fast bombs looking for bases. It might work the opposite of what you think.

Are you so tradish you really think that we have enough incentives in the game?

You have played it 10000 times. So my answer will be “yes”. And that has nothing to do with tradition.

I think you should create a thread of your own about “keeping the game as it is” instead of responding by adding nothing constructive to this one!

So far your contribution has been personal attacks because I say something which does not allign with your view.

Man, everyone but you thinks that the game modes are obsolete or outdated in war thunder.

What does this guess have to do with keeping a mode and adding value to a base?

And we are trying to give ideas to the devs, it would also benefit gaijin so they can retain players.

Only if your ideas improve the game, not if they make it worse.

Does it make you happy to be just waiting for new vehicules releases and do exactly the same things over and over with a slighlty different vehicule?

No, actually, I am trying to explore all the different existing modes and improve in them. (Isn’t it spelled “vehicle” btw.?) I find new releases rather detracting, I wouldn’t mind if there were far less. But that is my personal preference.

Simply rewarding team work and having a correlation risk/reward like a casino system would make this game funnier and one of the best out there in my opinion.

Funny you ask for this, but we had THAT. Exactly THAT for heavy bombers. And guess what? People complained endlessly about it. They found the stakes too high and the reward too low. They didn’t want to be stressed with the risk but just wanted to play the heavy bomber. And we had many discussions here that would pretty well match this one. New suggestions to reduce the risk and make losing the plane less of a problem. Ultimately they got their way. Here we are. The days were you wager 30.000SL repair but could usually earn 400.000 SL in 12 -15 minutes are gone.

There was nothing offensive towards you, I do exactly what you do, replying…

I don’t know what you are talking about honestly with the golden bases but anyways, if you say that this system was tested before and that players were complaining then… This topic is closed!