AIM-9M Unflareable in Air Arcade

It’s going to be near impossible to just flare out of. It’s a rather advanced missile.


Learn to flare an AIM-9M

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I’m flaring properly, watch till the end of video. It shows the difference between Arcade and Realistic game mode. The realistic game mode you can basically flare once and the AIM-9M will stop tracking you.

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You’re not flaring properly, do you know how the IRCCM works? You need to dump flares THEN rapidly change course.

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You aren’t flaring correctly for a missile that has IRCCM… Flying in a straight line while flaring is exactly what the missile was designed to hit a target through. You need to drop throttle, flare, and then make evasive maneuvers. If you just flare the missile knows where you are preflare and then it ignores the heat signatures of the flares if you don’t move (perferrably between your flares and the missile). If you don’t maneuver after you flare then it still knows your location because the initial target picture is the same.

This reminds me of the newer F-4S players that get tagged by SARH missiles from MTI/Pulse Doppler radars when they chaff. I used chaff, how did it still hit me, this isnt fair! It is because of operator error. Just like this.


I believe this is a good explanation.

watch the whole video then post. there is a complete difference of behaviour between arcade and realistic.


Do you not see me being able to flare off the 9M (In RB) in the end of the video? At 1:18, I literally fly straight and flare off the AIM-9M easily???


that’s a problem with RB and shouldn’t happen, it should have tracked and killed you, unless the seeker head just missed you when reenabling


what is your experience in this game? we are one of the top teams in RB tournaments so we know what we are talking about. go and test the Aim-9M missile in arcade setting and see if you can flare it. then bring the proof to us and we gonna accept your theory.

None of those missiles were flared off. One went under your plane even though it has flare dispensers that fire upward. If the missile was actually tracking and not flying in a dead straight line, it would have still hit you. Not a single one of those missiles worked correctly. And I can almost guess why. Because US top tier planes have been having a mighty stuggle with missiles not operating correctly, especially radar guided, but also issues with the 9M. That is exactly what that looks like. I can guarantee you that Aim9-Ms are not easy to avoid in Air RB.

If you’re with the OP, then you surely can’t be on a top tournament team if you can’t tell when a missile is going for flares. I don’t know how you managed to screw up the RB tests, but not a single missile performed as they normally do.

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do what i told you and dont waste your time trying to sound you know what you are talking about. go into a custom game in arcade mode and try to flare 9M record it and post it here.


6 years experience, 2 with jets.

Lol I don’t see how that is my problem

I can’t speak for arcade, but as I said you were flaring the missile wrong in RB

^ what he said

if you dont know arcade and you dont know where that is your problem then why dont you stop posting and not wasting our time here? cause clearly you arent helping us solving the issue.

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this is confusing as the thread is about AIM 9 in arcade but you don’t “speak for arcade”. what’s going on?

I was talking about your “elite squadron”. It was clear as day you weren’t flaring correctly. I will repeat myself. Do you know how IRCCM works?

By the way I don’t care about your squadron as it is arcade centred and arcade physics are non existant

He was talking about the AIM-9M being unflareable whilst not flaring it properly

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Bruh, you know missile behavior like you know how to use a period.

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What’s funny is that the Aim9M is probably underperforming quite a lot when it comes to flare resistance/IRCCM in game compared to IRL. I think what we have in game for the Aim9M is actually closer to what Aim9L was like IRL

Keep on with the personal attacks. You and your squadron should be ashamed you don’t know how missiles act.

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