AIM-9M for F-14B and AIM-9L for F-14A

13.3 is not ideal for the 14B, I’d say same br as the F15A, 13.0 would be more reasonable.
And the 14D will not be a copy of the 14B, new radar, probably the Amraams, higher TWR and IRST.
I agree with the F14A not recieving 9Ls.
Ideal parameters? they eat flares from every aspect possible, even rear. 9Ls being on their way to be corrected is still no reason not to give the Tomcat its historical loadout.

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F-15A is already under-BR’d and that should go to 13.3 as well.

ok, take them both to 13.3, F14D will be 13.7 anyways no diference

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No it wouldn’t.
Outside the AIM-9Ms F-14D has the same loadout as F-14B.

correct me if im wrong but wasn’t the whole point of the f14d to have amraams

It was tested on one modified unit.

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Amraams. plus it’s better at pretty much everything else

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F-14D was pretty much a software update away from being able to carry the Amraam.

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Software and pylons, of which weren’t ever made. So the test unit, which only tested AMRAAMs on the modified wing pylons only had access to 2 potential AMRAAM positions.
The rest of the stores were AIM-9 and AIM-7/AIM-54 as usual.

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Gajin has given vehicles loadouts they were technically able to carry but never did and I don’t see how F14D shouldn’t be one of them.
Also I found this image of a tomcat mountin dual amraams so at the very least, it could carry 4. but that is the very least, there shouldn’t be any reason why it couldn’t take them in the centreline fuselage pylons


Gaijin has not given production vehicles loadouts they can technically carry, ever.
A test unit is not a production aircraft, it’s a one-off prototype at best.

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Yak 141? F-16AJ? The AJ didn’t even exist irl yet we have it in game.
We even have the F20 in game which never entered service.


1- Kikka and Ho-229 came long before Yak-141; so you’re a bit new…
2- F-14D is a production vehicle.
3- F-16AJ is a renamed YF-16 demonstrated to Japan.
4- F-20 is a completed prototype.

There are multiple classifications of vehicles in War Thunder:
Incomplete prototypes.
Complete prototypes/laid down vessels.
Production vehicles/service vehicles.

F-14 (AIM-120) would be a decent event aircraft from the research on it many have done.

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F-14D would’ve 100% gotten amraams had it not been retired.
F-16AJ still wasnt built or ever entered service with Japan.
F-20 is still a “prototype”. It didnt enter service neither did amraams with the tomcat but that doesnt stop gajin from adding it.


I’d argue that an F-14A (Late) with TCS and AIM-9Ls (maybe BOL pods?) like the one seen in Top Gun at 12.7 would be better than just adding Ls to the early A.

But ye, gib 9M to the B and make it 13.0 like the Eagle 👍

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F-14 was tested with AIM-120s over a decade prior to its retirement, the US Navy stuck with just buying more F-18s than spending the money.
F-16AJ was built, its correct designation is just YF-16.

Cmon Alvis. Would you not like an F-14 with AMRAAM’s??


It was tested and was able to carry it, thats enough for gajin to give it amraams.
YF-16 was the prototype F16 and it didnt enter service with Japan nor did it carry the 7Fs it does in game.

I would, I endorsed it until I learned more about it.
Now I want the test unit as an event vehicle.

YF-16 used AIM-7s, it was the initial test platform for them.
Funnily enough they used YF-16 as the demonstration 16 cause of its AIM-7 capabilities.

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We already got an event F14, plus I dont really think top tier amraam slinging vehicles are a good idea given how low levels are spamming the Iranian one currently.
If thats the case with the 16 why doesnt the block 10 get aim 7s

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