AIM-9M for F-14B and AIM-9L for F-14A

It’s almost been a year since the 9M was added, why doesn’t the F14B have it?
It doesn’t make any sense that the early F15 gets 9Ms yet the F14B which was a later model still does not have em, hell, even the F14A doesn’t have 9Ls. 9Ls in the current meta especially at 12.7 are garbage, they’re flared with a single pop and almost everyone knows to turn off the burner. Give the 14B its 9Ms so it can atleast compete with F15s and F16s in the IR section, if it means moving it to 13.0 so be it, 4x 9Ms and 4x 7Ms would mean it’s basically the same as an F15A.


In my opinion, add AIM-9M but change IR AAM stock 2x AIM-9L replace with AIM-9M on F-14B

But F-14A Early won’t AIM-9L because from 1977 before AIM-9L produced 2 years

why does it need to be superior in everything? f14s already have fox 3 at lowest br in the game


The phoenixes are stupid easy to dodge they don’t really make it superior to anything.


Oh, but they most certainly do - the new multipath nerf has made it absolutely insufferable to fly (and dodge) against multiple phoenixes.
And with the new Fakour (Is that how it’s spelt?) flying around which is just a better and faster phoenix, a significant percentage of the ARB population still gets killed by those.
And they get to spam six of those too, so yes, it is an advantage.

It definitely isn’t because you can literally do a 360 and they’re gone, on top of that they love chaff.
You can’t just fly in a straight line and except to dodge them, they were basically designed to hit targets flying in a straight line, the slightest effort at notching will beat them.


They’re gone, and so is the match. Do realize it’s ARB, not Sim; matches are decided in less than five minutes.

That’s true. However, it is undeniably insufferable to get three plus missile warnings on your RWR with Tomcats spamming you with phoenixes and driving you to the edge of the map.
They may not be hard weapons to defeat, I’ll even concede that - but they are absolutely an advantage when you can lob those at thirty plus NM out and force the enemy to fly defensive.


Aaaaactually, nevermind - I totally thought I was on the ARB forum… :facepalm:
Disregard the first part of my message entirely.

100% agree and with each a .3BR increase
Would also balance out the busted AIM-54s
Or if the AIM-54s don’t matter, then a BR increase without buffing them but buffing the Sidewinders is also balanced.

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Nuh uh. AIM-9M for F-14D and AIM-120 even tho in never used them it could carry them

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Agreed. Many aircraft that face the F-14 have poor RWR that don’t give enough indication that a missile has been launched, nor its direction to effectively notch it. Heck, the J35XS doesn’t even have RWR.
And even if they’re simple to beat, no other missile or aircraft completely decides how one must play and approach the battle before even getting to engage the enemy like an F-14 with AIM-54s. You have to play pretty much entirely avoiding them, which makes it difficult to actually do anything offensive for the entire match which is pretty short. And of course there’s the range and FnF advantage- even if only 1 in 10 AIM-54s hit there’s nothing stopping the F-14 from dumping them out of range of the enemy, turning around, landing, rinse and repeat. F-14s almost always die to either other F-14s or because they screwed up and got to close to a MiG-29 or something, when they should have stayed at range.

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F-14D can get 9Ms.
F-14B and F-14A are fine without improved IR missiles.

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It’s not an advantage if they can not hit you. plus doing a 360 takes you like what? 10 seconds? I’ve been playing the M2K CS4 to spade it recently and I haven’t been killed by a single tomcat yet, they’re annoying for sure and you do have to notch every match but that’s really it, they’re not dangerous if you notch.


F14B was carrying the 9M way before F14D came out.

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Yes but it would be good to have some steps and diffrent BR’s for each F-14

There is one thing stopping the tomcats from going back to base and getting more phoenixes, it’s that matches are short now and by the time they’ve got to sufficient altitude for the 54, shot em off, landed and taken off again the match is probably either over or they’re the only one left and the enemy team is looking for them, they’re not gonna be able to fire off their phoenixes again in conditions that will actually get a kill.

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And AIM-9Ls are still a valid historical loadout for F-14B.
There’s no reason to add 9M to F-14B when they can and should add F-14D instead.

F14B absolutely isn’t fine without 9Ms with the way 9Ls eat flares.


Aim-9L is a valid historical loadout for the 14B? okay? so is the 9M? what’s your point.


My point is a 12.7 F-14B is more valid than a 13.3 F-14B sharing the same BR as an F-14D later on.
There’s no reason to make the F-14B a copy of the F-14D when it can stay unique.

And pushing F-14A’s trash RWR up to 12.7… when better RWRs are already at 11.7 [Mig-23ML].

Also all missiles “eat flares” when fired outside ideal parameters, and 9Ls are still en-route to being corrected in terms of flare sensitivity.

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