AIM-9L(I)-1 for the F-4F ICE-LA and other aircraft

As far as I know, AIM-9Li wouldn’t exactly be a copy paste from the AIM-9M (ignoring the smokeless motor), because the AIM-9M was upgraded to have a far better lock on range and better G overload, unlike the Li, which should only have IRCCM.

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It’d at least be a copy of the current 9M performance. The L(I)-1 besides the smokeless motor and integrated IRCCM (compared to add-on for the L(I), which was built on existing 9L stocks) is described as having generically “improved performance” over the original L(I). I wouldn’t be surprised if the -1 has improved performance similar to that you’re describing, from later block 9Ms (M-9 for the F-15/16C). But I don’t have any documents with specifics so I could be wrong.


either lower the br or give the ICE its historical loadout 12.7 with 9Ls is too much especially when you are called ‘a flying brick’ for a reason

It shouldn’t be, but that’s how gaijin has implemented it.

They said RB-74M is AIM-9L(i) not AIM-9M

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If you can, leave AIM9M at 12.7, or down to 12.3

9l has a weight of 12.7, are you awake?

The only thing I can think of. is that Aim-9Li was simply not ready for the dev server. Though you’d think they’d mention that in the dev stream…

But yes, it should get Aim-9Li (or Aim-9M as placeholder)


Dunno what wouldn’t be ready, it’s just a copy-paste.

not even that

They gave it the wrong rwr for starters. The plane in general doesn’t seem finished. Maybe they’ll fix it but I doubt it as the devs are simply showing their incompetence as usual.

The f-4 ICE should be using the aim-9L(I) or even the IRIS-T missile as I dont believe it ever used the normal aim-9L.

(Public information I swear xD)

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Way too early for those. Unless you want the F4F-ICE at 13.3+

But Aim-9Li is not unreasonable

Yeah, IRIS-T was only for testing. It could be 13.0-13.3 with IRIS-T but no one wants an underpowered aircraft relying on overpowered missiles. Not fun to play and certainly not fun to fight, like if an A-10 was introduced back when 10.0 was top tier.

Yeah. Though I wouldnt say no to ASRAAM for the FA2 and F3 Late :P

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Slight issue, its already that. Except the missiles arent overpowered

its just in the wrong nation. That thing would be max 11.7 in the US tree.

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Well no, it’s 12.7, an appropriate BR once it receives the L(I). The problem comes from every 4th gen being 13.0 when some are considerably more powerful than others (F-15, Su-27) and ought to be 13.3. It’ll probably be a couple months after release that these aircraft go up, similar to how it took a while for 12.7 to become a thing.
And of course the issue of Germany not having a 13.0 or 13.3 aircraft, which there are plenty of threads about.

Tornado BRs need to be drastically reduced. Too slow to hit bases before others do in Air RB, almost no chance to make points with base busting. Too weak in air to air fights (bad FM, just two rails). In GRB just GBUs at a BR where Pantsirs etc. will shot you out of the sky when you literally spawn. Its just garbage at its BR. Other jets have Mavericks and other F&F weapons at same or even lower BRs, it doesn’t add up. These 4 750lb GBUs of the Tornado are a joke. Can’t even mount GBU-24 at its wing ordnance points. Every lightweight jet has more strike potential than that thing.

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Then I have a perfect thread for that: