Aim-7F with western PD radars - horrible?

Then multipath.

It would be nice if we don’t go further on this. I don’t want this to turn into a game balance/tactics discussion; I’m only talking about the missile going bad issue, and thus, a machinery discussion.

Aren’t you on WTUDS? I’ll make sure to send this there :)

Which they need to remove

Em go ahead. I’m known as the bomber guy there anyway.

Have to disagree on that. Heavily.

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Tactics? gameplay? nooo my missile needs to be a guaranteed kill! the whole game should just be about who fires first with absolutely no game mechanics or counterplay!..

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If your “defensive tactic” is just flying in a straight line at low alt, then you should be killed. Its frustrating as hell watching missile after missile nose dive into the ground not because the enemy player has skill, but because they are flying below a magical safety net.

If you cant turn and drop CMs at the same time, then you shouldnt be playing that bracket

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Dodging trees is definitely more active then burning high and rippling off some AIM-120’s or AIM-7’s and heading back to airfield.

Not really, most maps you dont even need to fly below tree-top level, if there are any trees to begin with

Idk about that

Nah, it just don’t got no gas in it.

Quite clearly he saw a spooky ghost and ran away in fear


SkyFlash df is an e-2, the 7f equivalent are the superTemps

they are not identical

Not in real life, but ingame they pretty much are as far as i know

they differ in seeker drastically

Eh im fairly sure they dont in wt.

they do

In what way?