Having done so, both the R24R (not T) and the 7F/M have the brain damaged flight paths. 7fm likes to freak out then guide toward whatever it feels like, while R24R likes to nosedive into the ground (even in a look-up scenario) or track a completely different target, but when it does track properly it is very hard to defeat.
The only missiles that don’t do this are phoenixes and R27 because of their datalinks which are incredibly strong in game
the issue is probably with the radar illumination etc. the aim7f platforms such as the F4S use standard search and track iirc and not PD, hence when you, at an average of 10m above ground, fire a missile and the enemy makes any movement downwards, the aim7f leads the target and crashes.
i suggest going a bit higher and allowing the missile to strike down from above, or at least aiming the missile upwards so to give it manouvering space. the R27s are prone to this since they are quite heavy missiles and take some time to accelerate.
oh that… silly me
There’s also this fun:
where all radars are hard-coded to miss if the target is below like 20 meters AGL
hmm, thats not a bad point ngl. ill try to test it out
Here’s an example clip from 24R
well unless you click on the 2 on the top left (FPV) i cannot say for certain but it seems like the F4 was slow and the missiles predicted him to be above ground, try to imagine a straight line extending from the targets vector of motion.
as for everything else, try zigzagging as you fly, throws off SARH missiles
oh yeah I wasn’t going to hit, I’m only talking about the initial launch, where the missile zigzags all over the place. after that, I know why it faceplanted, he died and it follows him down. (Actually I think it started tracking something else but idk how to follow missiles in replay)
dont even bother, the replay dosent show the actual flight path of missiles anyway. plus to track them you gotta slow it down to like -16x speed
Maybe that is a feature we need. Missile “trails” in replay
well they do exist but they never show the actual flight path…
or maybe do…
(hint hint to the server flight path vs the client flight path which would in theory (if fixed cause all missiles to travel a lot further since the energy losses on the server side would be reduced drastically))