AIM-54C is underperforming

The AIM-54C is currently a pretty sad missile, being far too slow, not pulling hard enough, having a poor seeker, etc. However, it should be much better in all of these areas. (Thanks to @MythicPi for doing most of the work I used here: )

  • All other ARH missiles outperform it in impact velocity below ~25km
  • All other ARH missiles outperform it in time-to-impact ~40km
  • R-27ER outperforms it in impact velocity below ~27km
  • R-27ER outperforms it in time-to-impact below ~50km
  • R-27ER with a 30° manual loft outperforms it in impact velocity at 65km

In the files, the AIM-54 has a max speed of 1,800m/s, but can never hit this, almost in ideal conditions.

Launch conditions:
My speed - 1524kph (~423.33m/s)
Closure rate near launch: 1013.4m/s
Launch aircraft speed - ~588.08m/s (M2.0)
Launch aircraft altitude - ~12000m

Kinematics at max closure rate:
My speed - 1600kph (~444.44m/s)
Closure rate - 1748.4m/s
AIM-54C peak speed - ~1303.96m/s (M4.42)
AIM-54C dV - ~715.88m/s

Kinematics on impact:
Closure rate = 1575m/s
Aircraft speed = 1563kph (~434.17m/s)
AIM-54C speed = 1140.83m/s (M3.87)

At nearly perfect conditions, the missile still cannot hit Mach 5+ speeds like IRL, and only equates to dV of ~715.88m/s, still nearly 500m/s slower than it should be.(The US Navy -- Fact File: AIM-54 Phoenix Missile)

The AIM-54C, launched from M2.0(~588.08m/s) at 12km altitude in WT will NEVER reach the top speed of the R-27ER, launched from M1.5(480m/s) at 5km altitude in real life. (This is not saying the R-27ER is too fast, this is saying the AIM-54C is too slow.) (graph below)

This is despite the drag at 5,000m being roughly 2.4x higher than at 12,000m altitude, and the fact that the rocket motor of the 54C should benefit from thinner air. (Although not modeled in WT.)

This is likely because Gaijin doesn’t model the extra thrust rocket motors have at higher alt.
Thanks for reading! Please correct me if needed in the replies.


I reeeeally wish they would finally model dual plane pull. The 24.7Gs would be a really nice buff.

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Even with single-plane pull, I do believe it could pull much harder than it currently can. I also have heard the seeker is better.

Don’t have any concrete proof as of now though. :(

I have proof the seeker is improved.
States the Aim-54C has improved trajectory (part of the seeker)

States the Aim-54C can track in and beyond the notch


Aim-54C smokeless motor + other aspects cover page
If you wanna Bug Report here’s the Cover Page.


also need 54C+ ECCM on f14b

Dude if they do this python 4 could reach 70gs

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If the Python 4 comes with only 50Gs ima cry man

Watch Gaijin pull some BS with the 14D have (Aim54 IMPROVED) or some shit

It is 50 in the files so yea
Cant unleash the full power of the idf cuz its better then russia

50G is perfectly fine? Also, dual plane isn’t modeled for balancing.

Thank you! Do you have any info on the alleged 25G limit of the AIM-54C?

Meanwhile russia getting next stage of fox 3 with the best df plane in the game by far

It would hinder the capabilities of this missile, making its performance much worse than it was IRL. It’s turning capabilities and ability to 180 for a target would be vastly inferior… it quite frankly deserves all 70Gs if it’s added. And Dual Plane isn’t not modeled for balancing reasons, it’s simply that it just hasn’t been modeled yet, not for any balancing reason at all as the developers never stated such last I checked.

Please bug report it here on the bug reporting website


It will also get the tomcats moved up so I’m even more for this

The Su-30SM is far from the best dogfighting plane in the game. Also, the R-77-1 was nerfed and is currently only 15% better than current R-77, making it still worse than AIM-120A. Anyways, this post isn’t about “Russian bias” or anything like that, so please stop derailing the thread.

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Correction, the R-77-1 is currently better in time-to-impact than AIM-120A by about a second. Still, please don’t argue about Russian aircraft and missiles under a thread on the AIM-54C.

Dude are u fr?
Su30sm will clear evrything
Maybe a very good typhon or rafale will be able to keep up
And its related to the topic cuz its stupid when russia underperforming a bit the devs will do anything they can to fix this but when usa underperforming it takes months if not years to be fixed

I’m simply not going to acknowledge your responses if it’s gonna be stuff like this.