AH-6M USA littlebird

Hi I am completely dissatisfied with the last update “Dance of Dragons”, because now that the helicopter is damaged, it loses the ability to fire unguided missiles, guided, and additional parts, including the AH-6M Littlebird which in my opinion should have a much lower battle classification, have at the beginning at least 2 missiles hellfire, or just fix it, on br 10.3 barely what I can do kill, on 11.3 I cannot even kill anyone, poor weaponry on start because only 38 unguided Hydra’s, a lot of modifications to research like 300,000/400,000 xp.

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Oh quiet. You have such an enormously benificial damage model still and you want more.

You shoot a heli’s atgms… what happens. You shoot a IFV’s atgms and it blows up and overpressures the vehicle.
You shoot a heli’s cockpit and watch the apfsds pass through the control pannels and out the other side of the heli. You shoot a tank with the same round and watch the horizontal or vertical drive blow out, along with the breach and a few crew.
You kill a heli, watch it fall and still have the chance to shoot. You kill a tank and… its dead.

Helis were a mistake. Minimize the mistake, don’t make it more of a problem.

i mean, even one 7.7mm shot means you can’t shoot hydra anymore, due to the fact that the cockpit is damaged to a light yellow and therefore can no longer fire a single rocket, and a single shot from 12.7mm or from 20mm means death for littlebird

almost like a craft that is vulnerable to 7mms irl should be vulnerable to 7mms in game. You are playing a vehicle that is designed as an ambush craft, not a tank. There are plenty of exposed crew vehicles that are vulnerable to 7mms also. Do you somehow think you are more resiliant than them? You have your ammo rack on your pylons. In game you still get a tank for a pilot but at least now you can be disabled by IRL effective munitions.

I would find it very cool if they would make a camo to match the helicopter from the tv show magnum pi. I think other older players would find it nostalgic and take them back to there younger years watching the show

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They do have one

It’s on the page listed, I hope the link works. Visible to the player only, not the team. It’s something at least.

If you play on PC you can download custom skins from WTLive.

If you’re on console you really miss out. Some fantastic skins available there

dev mustve drank a little too much vodka when changing the heli mechanics if one 7.62 bullet can disable a military helicopter

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What they can do is allow the helis to land anywhere on the map and press/hold the repair button like tankers do. The same way tankers gotta repair their things when damaged.

I feel your pain brother. I havent flown my littlebird since update and I’m missing her so very much. By far my favorite out of the US tree. I personally enjoy the up close and in their face gameplay but cant do it as you noticed. It was hard engough before and now impossible unless you just sit back and loft hellfires. That is what I had to resort to but use the Kiowa for hellfires and have been enjoying seeing tankers explode. It helps a little but I hope they dont take forever to get to the littlebird but this may take up to a couple updates time they said. Bummed is an understatement.

this was all fixed in the last patch

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Because of literally exactly what the OP is complaining about…
Also, pilot is still made of adamantium and disabling the heli is largely random. Hitting specific components of the heli doesn’t generate different effects, you just might disable something when you shoot through the entire vehicle.

no, it’s currently glitched right now, for every helicopter other than the apache and KA-50/2 are affected and if hit once are fully dsiabled