AH-1Z and AH-1W flies like a boat

Is it just me or does the Ah 1z and Ah 1w fly like a boat? Everything I’ve ready about these helicopters it says that they’re very agile and maneuverable (as maneuverable as helicopters can be). I’m curious to know what you think, it just doesn’t feel fun to play, especially when trying to duck behind cover to avoid top tier spaa.

Didn’t really play with the 1w but I’ve played with the 1z a lot. I find it very sluggish when compared to the Apache. Though I sometimes prefer the 1z. It’s a lot more stable when going up or down in a short amount of time.

Lower your collective a bit before turns.

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the W yes the Z no its just that some helicopters have messed up FM, like for all twin engine helicopters (except maybe the ka52 and ka50 ) they all will fly slightly to the side making them turn on their own if you are trying to fly straight and don’t compensate for it

1Z is better than the Apache in loadout at the moment, but yeah it’s pretty slow.

it can go fast but becomes unstable at around +160mph at that point it starts shaking violently and first person becomes suffering

i usualy fly helicopter in sim controls and the AH-1Z its verry manueverable with those controls however i when i switch it to mouse and keyboard it flies like a tortoise in glue

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The AH-64s and Viper fly very differently. The AH-1Z and W both require constant collective adjustments especially with turning. It took me a while to get used to it and I prefer it over the AH-64D but what’s happening is you are dropping in RPMs reducing the power you have in any transition changes. But you do want to swing it like a boat and it will hold a tight circular turn when you are on top of a tank hitting from directly above.

id say it was 100% better before its RWR got nerfed, now it will only identify about half the top tier AAs so its more personal preference between the two

you either get 2 aim9ms or better agility, RWR, and a radar