AGM 65 Maverick have terrible damage output and needs fix

Cant forget that they arbitrarily won’t add the HE / APAM warhead variants (e.g. M151, M229 AGM-65E & F-/-G, Mk.63 , AGR-20A APAM, etc.) for various rockets & missile families ( 2"(Gimlet), 2.75"(Hydra), 5"Zuni / HVAR, 6.5" (ATAR) etc.) balance reasons.

At least it seems like the AGM-65G will be added with its warhead intact, though at least at this point I doubt it’s going to be retroactively added to most of the airframes that could carry it which defeats the point.

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Funny how the 65G is only being added now that Russia is getting the Kh-38 with 40km range and an option for laser or thermal guidance…


The A-10C not being seen at this point is also odd, considering it could easily level the playing field(quite literally).

A-10C_ BRU-61A w GBU-39_SDB


What are those its carrying? They look rather small, almost like stormbreaker?

America does have weird tendency of getting some of their stuff late, such as the aardvark.

The earlier GBU-39A/B or -39B/B(GPS + SALH terminal homing) SDB I, not the GBU-53/B SDB IIs. I haven’t seen anything confirming the SDB II but I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns up at some point for the A-10 since its going to remain in service and the IIR terminal seeker would effectively supplement the Maverick (which can be carried on the next set of wing stations, outboard so they aren’t exclusive).

The AGR-20 APKWS II for the remaining stations + AIM-9M, w/ HMD and AN/AAQ-33 -ATP Targeting pod. (the theoretical effective stowed kills I’ve seen photographic evidence of would be; 16x GBU + 6x AGM-65 + 7x APKWS + 4x AIM-9M + Targeting pod).

Since the TGP can produce GPS coordinates, and Laze targets in the terminal phase, Targets of opportunity can be attacked by any of the ordnance as needed.

Further an article references 6x BRU-61s, which would bring the SDB total to 24 per aircraft, but I haven’t seen any images with all six loaded.



your fist that small?

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Gotta add another 5 SU-25s first.

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First video ok. The second one there is nothing to complain you loose the lock behind the tree.

Forget not too that the A-10 is also going to be a MALD bus, making it one of if not the most potent SEAD aircraft in the US arsenal by being able to carry upwards of 18 MALDs.

odd i never had a tree stop a missile from locking, maybe a building or a silo, but not a tree

Mavericks are based on contrast so it loose the color (thermals color) it loose the lock.

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i didnt know that, thanks… now can you explain this? :D

he lock into the palm tree no the tank

NO, i locked onto the tank.

The tree don’t cover entirely the tank.

Did a lil testing on mavs vs Zunis:



@Smin1080p this is a joke at this point. Mavs have more than 5x the TNT equivalent of Zuni’s and the protection viewer even shows the mavs caving in the roof/turret side of tanks they impact (compared to the moderately sized hole the Zuni produces) but the Zuni is the one that does more damage, and its SIGNIFICANT. I know there are multiple bug reports that have been passed to the devs, so whats the hold up with this?

Cant even use balance as an excuse when the Su-25SM3 is out here outranging every NATO SAM by 3x or more, with the Kh-38’s, and absolutely terrorizing lobbies. NATO PGM’s are being gimped for no good reason.


We have a slight chance of something turning up with the next update.

Wouldnt need “something” to turn up if gaijin stopped being blatantly biased against the maverick