I thought they had a 10.X?
Highest they have is Imp.Chapparal, which is utter garbage. It’s at 10.3, however the American one at 9.0 is also absolute trash.
To be fair, that motor bug is what is holding it back.
The smokeless motor on a 20-ish G missile with a stinger seeker is really good.
Sadly, both chaparrals have been bugged for like 10 months.
Oto is good against drones and helicopters imo, although against planes even OSA looks better, I think I’ll maybe bring it to top tier as well.
I’m still waiting for remodelling of OTOMATIC internals (autoloader), the possibility to carry apfsds in reserve ammorack, the addition of few stages of ammo logic, even if it make it a bit worse against ground.
Another update another SPAA for Soviets and the eastern blocks… dont worry though you can spawn in a plane at 900sp to fight a 70 sp anti air… all is in balance ( sarcasm )
The current options for top tier SPAA for Israel are the following:
HSVD/ASAMS: it’s a prototype, likely would sit at 11.7 ingame in its suggested state. Good gun, decent radar and radar guided missiles, but that’s about it.
SPYDER variants:
The SR (Short Range) Would be the starter SPYDER system for the top tier SPAA line, featuring 4 missiles and ~15-22km range horizontally and ~9km range vertically at max. Highly likely gaijin will add this with only Python 4 and standard Derby missiles for balance reason and to give us a lower BR SPAA option. Python 5 and Derby ER/I-Derby are used in this system though.
The ER (Extended Range) is a variant with increased range compared to the SR. According to the graph above it seems to have ~35km Horizontal range and ~12km vertical range. It also notably appears to have double the amount of launchers, and 4 additional missiles for use. This system would likely employ the Python 5 and I-Derby, I-Derby-ER, or Derby ER ingame.

The MR (Medium Range) has ~50-80km range horizontally at max and ~16+km range vertically. It makes use of this by using boosters for the I-Derby-ER and Python 5 missiles. Would be a massive upgrade in terms of range and electronics compared to the previous two. 8 launchers/missiles in total.

The LR (Long Range) would have about 80-160km of horizontal range, and an unknown vertical range. It makes use of this range using vertical launches and lofting of the Python 5 and Derby ER missiles which have boosters attached, similar to the MR, however superior. 8 launchers/missiles in total. Same launchers as that of the MR.
Visual difference between MR and LR boosters:
The AIO (All In One) is a SPYDER variant that has been previously suggested in the forums. It combines all advantages of SPYDER variants into one mobile platform to act as a true SPAA. It uses the same launchers as the LR/MR (8 in total), and the same missiles found on the LR. It also has 3rd gen thermals, HMD/HMS, and much much more. Easily the strongest SPAA ingame if it were to be added.
Done? Nope, not yet.
A potential SPAA to be presented/revealed in the near future, featuring the capabilities of the infamous Iron Dome on wheels!
More info on this project coming TMsoon!
(A lot of these stats I provided could be dead wrong. These are just things I’m seeing while skimming through details about these vehicles, trying to provide a rough example of these vehicles capabilities if they were to be implemented ingame.)
We need the AIO so bad
The Imp. Chapparal (even the base version) is 9.3, though. And going off of the ZSU-23, a 6km missile isn’t worse than ~2.5km (for non-helicopters) guns.
Ngl, they should really just add an “early” version that just uses old missiles since I doubt they’d add 40-50km+ stuff.
and that 70 Sp spaa can spawn again when you kill it just to know exactly where you are and kill you
don’t worry, Russia get’s another one at the same BR as the Strella, so everything works out just fine.
The American one is 9.0, and the Israeli one is a near exact copy just at 10.0
I really struggle to think of any country ingame who needs any one particular thing more than Israel needs a top SPAA. Italy’s need is similar at present but we now know they’re getting something.
Chaparral (10.0) is arguably even worse than Machbet (9.3), which is unsurprising given its US counterpart which sits at 9.0 is regarded as mediocre even at that BR.
Both are completely unfit for purpose at top tier. Quite literally unusable in most scenarios. I try to spawn Baz / Barak / Netz to fight back against CAS, but it’s ridiuclous that i need to earn what… 700sp(?) whereas someone else can create a Pantsir no fly zone for 70(?) sp. Completely unfair.
I don’t want to sound ungrateful of what we are getting, I’ll play Sabra, i’ll enjoy Sabra… But we have so many MBT’s. We have so many Patton’s. Just chill on adding them and focus on the support vehicles we actually need for a while. Vehicles like HVSD/ADAMS, Spyder, Pereh, Hafiz, Eiten, Sholef V2 etc. You can’t make healthy, enjoyable, dynamic lineups with nothing but relatively identical MBT’s - and that’s all we have.
Surely giving us our first VIII SPAA should take higher priority than our x16th Patton derivative ? They keep adding more and more powerful CAS, whilst we have literally zero counterplay against what was already there before. It’s getting silly now. Fingers crossed for the Christmas update but i’d be lying if I said I wasn’t getting despondent now.
they could add the spyder air defense and use the shortest range version
as israel main i agree lol, imp chaparral 1 br higher is a crime
and yes Spyder AIO it just the optimal solution!
not really, japans type 81 is good and with the osa coming spaa is looking brighter, tor is pretty decent as well. They need to balance a whole lot of nations spaa
Why did the even add it to the game? For megachs?
Type 81 doesn’t lock onto crap for range and short range it likes to go into the ground because reasons.
The whole reason it was a higher BR was because at launch, it had a smokeless motor and uncaged seeker, both of which have been taken away from it since. No idea why it still sits so high. These days even calling it a sidegrade on Machbet feels over-complimentary. You sacrifice the VADs, survivability and concealability for a small bump in kinetics. Not worth it.
Speaking of which, why was the smokeless motor taken away? Was this intentional or a bug?
The smokeless motor missing is trivial compared to its complete inability to lock helicopters beyond like 1.5-2.5km (And even those you do lock tend to MAW Auto flare anyway), and its complete inability to lock planes beyond like 3-6km depending on aspect, at a time when just about everyone has AGM/GBU’s that are launched from twice or more this distance.
It’s a helpless spectator that can’t even get a lock on most threats its being asked to face.