Again. Maus is absolutely biased

Ah…took a nap so just woke up a few minutes ago.

My T-55’s ATGM’s would disagree

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The 12,8/8,8 cm Pzgr. Ts is as real as you and me. I dont know where you got your info from but it is real, there were also 10,5 / 7,5, 10,5/8,8, 15/8,8 grenades and these include only he Ap grenades not the many other Heds grenades.


You understand that this is supposed to be a SUPER HEAVY tank, and it has to be hard to destroy, and spoiling another vehicle that is not very good anyway is stupid and will lead to the destruction of diversity in the game, because it will soon turn out that every vehicle needs to have something removed until they are finally the same.


IS4 M has better mobility and smaller profile, Maus has better main gun and the coax (funnily enough the one feature everyone forgets when they make a “Maus bias” thread like this one).

Considering how important mobility is to WT, this does absolutely balance the two heavies vis a vis one another.

The Maus is also more vulnerable to CAS. Even FAB 250s can kill it if they detonate close to the side armour (where ammo is stored) or on the hull ceiling.

The APHEDS round is historical. Of course it had R&D problems that it does not have in game, but so what? Surely you know that early T-34s without turret baskets would be unable to reload the gun unless the turret was facing forward, and yet that’s not in game, because WT employs a generous dose of arcadeification to make all vehicles playable and competitive.

In the right hands, the Maus can be a menace, but it’s also very difficult and counterintuitive to play well. Yes, figuring out how to kill it is a challenge for you as a player, and figuring out how to play the Maus well has likewise been a challenge for your rival in the Maus. Embrace that. Relish in it. Don’t ask for the game to be dumbed down every time there is a vehicle that requires different counterplay than usual.

God knows heavy tanks already suffer more than enough in this game.


In fact, the Maus is already dumbed down enough as it is since it is missing stuff such as its HEAT round, MG 151, flamethrower & improved turret with rangefinder. Remember what gaijin has done with the Togs and apply it to the Maus:

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I suspect the mg in the turret might have ended up being a weakspot, and flat turret surfaces can also be a downgrade in WT - yes, no shot trap, but also no BS volumetric bounce. What would be very interesting would be trying the vertical, as opposed to horizontal layout for the coax that was meant for the V2 turret.

Considering that the Maus in game can actually move of its own power without combusting, I’m happy enough.

I find it much more bothersome from a historical POV that the E-100 in game uses the Maus V1 turret, which was never ever intended for it.

I just got the maus, but i play arcade…maus is 8.0 here. It is a “fun” tank, if you forget it takes a long time to get to the battle :)
However…it is not as tough as i thought it would be…lots of guns and most ATGMs can damage or kill it…and the gun is NOT one shot kill…it gets “deflected” more than i expected from the caliber…as most targets are modern tanks anyway.

Not saying there is something wrong…just my 2 cents that as A NEW USER of MAUS in ARCADE the experience feels “ok”. It is a slow tank, it has a good gun, it is not dominant…but also does not feel as a sitting duck. It usually goes down to who fires first.

I assume that it has a lower BR in RB due to its HUGE size, that makes sneaking or flanking almost impossible…

Let’s see T-55 AMD-1 BR: 8.7
ATGM used: 9M117
Penetration: 600(no matter the range)

BR: 7.7
Side Armor:
Top: 180 mm
Bottom: 100 mm
Welded Joints: 300 mm
You have no excuse to kill the damn thing.

Almost, but not impossible. 😁

The gun requires very precise shot placement. You have to know weakspots, and when to use the Pz.Gr 43 or the APHEDS. The long reload means you can’t afford to get it wrong. Once you learn how to use the gun, you can OHK stuff even at top tier (Dollarplays did two videos with Maus and E-100 at top tier six months ago, very fun). Also, the coax is your unironical biggest asset. Use it.

I have more tips to share if you want them. Of course they mostly apply to RB and SB but can be useful in arcade as well, I think. The Maus is an excellent tank, but must be played in a peculiar style in order to work.

Aerial birds would like to “talk” to Maus

The Maus is just all the things wrong with Warthunder rolled into one inconvenient package.The player base demanded it and deserve it.

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It is different for sure…that is what i find interesting…still learning :)

Yep…sitting duck versus air…not the only one…usually reflected in BR.

TBH…i dont like the Maus concept, as many other “prototype”…i think rare vehicles should be made “rare” in game also…and i would prefer some more realism…
But i see a lot of players that think differently…so i play along…like they say…“If you cant beat them…”
So…am having fun where i can…i guess once the novelty wears off, the atgm and air caused deaths will become more annoying…and the 5min drive to battle will become a factor…hopefully i will have a new toy by then :)

BTW…i cant understand if “biased” in the topic title means too weak or too strong :) on any given match Maus can be either…or even both, depending on what you find around the corner :)

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I have the Maus and all I can really do is go out and troll with it.The rest of my line up for Germany stops at the Tiger P and I don’t use that very often.

If I play the maus I am a WW2 enthusiast playing way above my comfort zone in terms of BR.I am not sure what contribution I would make to the team or whether I would even care.This is the problem of giving that thing to anybody.It never worked in reality and it it is a joke in Warthunder and I can only recommend treating it as such and having a laugh with it.

Mine stops at 7.0 (Tiger H, Elephant)…i play Maus with an SPAA and M41…i am considering Ru251. M41 can move fast and kill some 8.0 stuff if it can outflank them…and lots of light tanks targets (BMPs, SPAAs, ATGM carriers) around also.
Not syaing it is easy…but allows me to play Maus+2 without feeling useless.
IT IS an “odd” tank…i just accept it as such. For instance…a recent match (while maus was being unlocked) there were 4 Maus on our team…which made for a very strange match as most other vehicles were MBTs and ATGM carriers :)

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I also only play WW2, so usually I don’t play above 6.7 but I make an exception for the Maus. I honestly don’t share your take that it can only be used for goofs. I’m a very average player and can still get very good mileage out of it in RB (and in SB, it’s a beast).

A few things you might find interesting:

I take somewhere around 20 rounds for the main gun and 40 for the coax. I usually bring ten PzGr 43, ten 12.8/8.8 Pzgr. TS, thirty Hl.Gr 38C, and ten smoke rounds. This setup removes all ammo from the turret and leaves most of the hull empty, save for the rear side section which you need to be mindful of.

Angle the hull a lot at all times, but also angle the turret at roughly 45° between shots. This greatly mitigates your frontal turret weakspot, where the armour normalises.

Even in an uptier, having 6 crew and tons of empty space means you can survive quite a bit.

Remember that the Pz.Gr 43 has enough explosive filler to guarantee overpressure, the TS does not. So reserve the TS for sniping or for very hard targets, and use the Pz.Gr 43 on everything else. Considering that the Pz.Gr 43 is capable of frontally penning even stuff like T-80UK, you’ll be fine with it most of the time, while the TS is the more specialised round.

Use your coax 75mm like your life depends on it. More often than not, it does.

You can use it to track an enemy rushing you. You can use it to barrel them very reliably. You can blind them with smoke. You can use the HEAT to decimate BMPs and such, and sometimes it will even kill turret crew members on IS-3s and T-54s. It also kills helicopters.

You can also use the coax to bait people out of cover if they believe you’ve fired the main gun and are now reloading.

Prioritise maps where you can engage from the get go and can force frontal engagements, like Berlin.

Trolly reverse gear is your best weapon against inexperienced CAS pilots.

Quite frankly, WT is not made for that. Realism would make Tiger IIs barely mobile, make early T-34s unable to reload while rotating the turret. CAS would have to evade after even one deterrent burst of AA fire. Tank crews would bail out in most circumstances after a disabling hit. The backbone of battles would be infantry and artillery, not tanks, which wouldn’t even be able to enter most of our city maps on realism grounds. The game would be unrecognisable.

Since we’re not doing that and focusing on vehicles alone, tbh… Might as well have fun. If I want to scratch the realism itch, I can play IL-2 Tank Crew. WT isn’t really for that.


I think by asking for more realism GhostSop isn’t asking for the amount of pure realism you are listing,which are good points by the way. My point is similar in that the OP complaining about the Maus in a serious gameplayer way(which is fine) but to me the game just collapses into a silly parody of itself after 4-5 BR and even gets sillier the moment Sweden come in.

My point about trolling isn’t to upset the game but fail to take it seriously in any way and that overall is my point about Warthunder.Everybody on here screaming and shouting abuse at each other and being super serious when the game itself plays out like an amusing joke with Fantasy WW2 tanks facing 80s modern armor on a totally unrelated map.

I find it hard to take a serious post about a joke tank seriously lol and I think the best way to enjoy war thunder is to treat it like the joke it has become and play it for a laugh.

The tips you post are extremely useful and I thank you for those I will try them.

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Wasnt the HL penetration only like 140mm/30° or so? It wouldnt be all that usefull.

Did you mistype and meant ‘have no excuse to not kill the damn thing’?