After update: Give the the U-sh 204 gk scouting!

Now that the update is out and ive finally gotten the U-sh 204 And wow is it a gremlin. Not as bad as the U-sh 405, but still a menace. Either i get strafed or i use it as a first spawn. Its not very survivable once spotted. So i and others i see use it as a scout car like the Fox. The only thing that hinders it from being useful is that its so compact and the gun isn’t exactly that impressive Against planes. The HE shells don’t really do much if they connect. The H-VAP on the other hand is very good against light targets and engine bays.

So in conclusion i see it more useful as a Light tank platform. Since its not That effective against aircraft since if they spot you, you die instantly. Also you can get overpressure from semi-nearby artillery and light bombs exploding a-bit away. So Not really recommended for it to go after planes.

So i suggest giving it spotting so you can help your team with communication. This tank shares alot of similarities with the Weasel and FOX rather than other AA platforms. Christ even the manual/info for the thing says its a light armoured car

Based on votes from the dev-server most are in favour for Scouting altogether

So i will do another poll here to get opinions now that the U-sh 204 gk has dropped.

After update, should the U-sh 204 GK get Scouting
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

@Smin1080p Is there anyway we could get this forwarded as a suggestion to the devs?