Aerial reconnaissance for ground battles

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During World War II, aerial reconnaissance emerged as a critical tool in the strategic arsenal of the Allied and Axis powers. This innovative technique involved the use of aircraft equipped with cameras and other sensors to gather vital intelligence from above. By capturing high-resolution images of enemy positions, fortifications, and movements, aerial reconnaissance provided invaluable insights that influenced military planning and operations. As technology advanced and the scope of aerial missions expanded, reconnaissance aircraft became pivotal in shaping the outcome of key battles and overall strategies, highlighting the growing importance of air superiority and surveillance in modern warfare.

In top tier we already have similar mechanics that provide infomations to players which is the reconnaissance drone. At the same time the lower tier have to relied to light tank to spot the enemy which is limited by the the tech tree and BR. So, I recommend adding aerial reconnaissance to low tier ground battle.


The reconnaissance will provided by the reconnaissance plane fly by players, players can scan a certain area of the battlefield through a down-facing camera which similar to the bomb sight. The players which getting scan will pinned on the minimap just like scouted by light tank. But as balance, the aircraft can only scan at certain height and clear sky. The pinned duration also much shorter than the pin from light tank, the duration time would just stay 1-2 second.