Advanced artillery vehicle in the ww2 scenario

we are talking about at least putting them with post ww2 tanks

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I would class ‘Advanced Artillery’ pieces as things like the Palmaria, Pzh-2000 and K-9 Moukari, it does puzzle me that people complain about things like the M109 when most of them can be 50. called frontally, plus no one had an issue with the 2S3M when it came so idk why they do now.

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Rubbish ,WW2 at 6BR was fine before the M51 and the M109 came in.There were a few light speed afv for Italy but they were rare enough.The spam of the atrillery has changed the game in many ways. I have had 13000 games all at WW2 level ,might night make me an expert but I can sense a major change in dynamic when I see one.

The M51 and the M109 radically changed 6-7 BR in terms of making certain tanks feel obsolete.


Ok…then the issue is different. BR6 was NOT ww2 before M109 and if this is not the issue, then it is possible M109 is undertiered…and should be raised in BR.
My personal experience is that M109 has a good gun, but it is not decisive…it is a good “glass canon”…and not the only one at BR6.

There are many TDs with similar capabilities at lower BRs…namely, slow, bad armor and a good gun. The issue is that in a couple updates there were a lot of artillery introduced…

I PERSONALLY actually don’t like the introduction of these vehicles…but not because they are unbalanced…to me, mobile artillery acting like tanks looks weird…
Every time you introduce new vehicles the meta will potentially change…only solution would be to stop new vehicles…is this really a good idea?

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Yeah, I guess so. Unsure if I consider them that advanced but you’re right there’s still more advanced than some of the other MSPHs.

I get in-game that the M109 is used as a “Tank Destroyer” despite it not being classified in real life as one because it is a Self-propelled Howitzer. Besides that carry on you made some fine points.

None of them need to go any further. Even having HEAT, the not fin stabilized, are worthless when you can pretty much one shot anything with overpressure.

Maybe a range finding device or some scout drone with distance from the ooerator vehicle to the marker, but I think it would be pretty busted specially with pieces that have M107 low velocity shell.

Well that’s your opinion. And I said mine.

2S1 has HEATFS and 2SRM had HEAT plus APHE

Maybe, but you can also pen upwards of 400mm of armor. Granted post pen isn’t amazing. Also the specific ones I’m talking about are lower BR than other HE slingers… I’m just suggesting they go up to the same BR’s the others are at. Again though, this is just my opinion…

They’re same BR except for 2S1 that can be pierced by LMG for you know how thin is its armor, which means just because it’s on 6.0 with HEAT rounds, in this case you should consider the Israeli M-51 that gives the players the same round piercing power, more armor and three free spawns.

From my experience, HEAT was not that thing that it promises, and it get worse in the kind of vehicle: very light armored, slow reloading rate and incapable of usage in rough terrain.

Forgot to consider, the APHE is fine with 700g of TNT but 171mm pen in 10m at 0º is not that useful specially in a BR like 5.3-7.3 where you find the most number of heavy tanks it I’m not wrong.

In conclusion, the 2S1 can stays at the current BR, maybe 2S3M can move up to 6.7 which is no doubt a very good vehicle of its gameplay style, maybe just before VIDAR is the most mobile artillery piece we have in-game.

I mean those are like some of the best SPH in the world rn idk what you are smoking

Technology. Technology.
How different or similar is a WW2 Era SPH to a Modern Day SPH? As in How many crew members, how fast could it be fired and reloaded etc.


Try and tell me that a WW2 tank is loaded like this and then realise that, oh right, your counter argument is pointless, just because a Challenger 2 is manually loaded and has 4 crew and a roughly 5 second reload, does that give it the same capability to that of a T-34 in your eyes???

Serously if you cant see why ;there is little point explaining it.Flooding the WW2 levels with 60s 70s spam did nothing for the game at 6BR .This is meant to be a game of detail.

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War Thunder hasn’t been a WW2 scenario for ages now, and the game is much better for it. I don’t know where you where when it was postwar Sabres vs ME-262s, or things like Pattons and IS-4s vs King Tigers…

Gaijin has a game for those who like pure WW2 combat, with many of the same mechanics as War Thunder. It’s called Enlisted. Go play it instead of asking for WT to change that drastically.

This. 100% this.

Balance means you cant have WW2 tanks facing WW2 tanks otherwise things because rather unfair. To be honest i’m fine with the tech trees and the tanks ect in them. Doesn’t bother me that the M109 is in game and at 6.3 ect.


What do you think this game was for so many years?

Is that the 9.3 roster where the Soviets don’t get their T-72 because Gaijin are too lazy to stop all the Blufor nations getting their sub-trees T-72’s as well?

2013 and 2014, back to when these tech trees were introduced. Do you see the (massive, glaring, postwar) problems with what you’re claiming? :>