Advanced artillery vehicle in the ww2 scenario

Pretty sure stating that many times isn’t going to make the devs care. Rule #10 of game development: its almost impossible to get devs to reverse a decision that takes effort. If its in the game, its staying in the game.

Makes us feel better

Last rotation, with the 9.0ish vehicles was a lot of fun in my BMP-3 and T-62M-1. I just wish there were more eastern bloc players it takes forever to get a game.

So show me the stats that prove its a minority, as we are replying to yet another era related topic,how many is that now? …from this minority?

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The problem isn’t that modern SPGs are in the game (well… it is but its a different problem).
The problem is where they are in the BR matchmaking and how they break historical continuity and immersion.
Fixing it wouldn’t take much more than fiddling with some databases.


I started about 3 years ago and to be honest it was all world war 2 until about late 5 BR for me as a German/Russian Main.
I saw some SA crap at around 4 BR which spoiled the fun a little but it was rare.First bit of odd play I encountered where I thought WTF was the ASU-57 but even that has a vaguely WW2 feel about it if you try hard.Other than that even with Sweden I was and tolerant,then artillery spam hit home and I retreated to 4.3 for a very long time.

I know what you mean but everything about this game is pretty much WW2 up to a point including the decals and challenges.The game just needs to match player expectation.

Nice to see somebody gets it because some need the point hitting home with a lump hammer it seems.It not a hard concept to grasp.


This is my main complaint about arty tanks at rank IV/V. They are just really annoying since they can do stuff like that. It sucks for tanks with roof MGs too.

It isn’t the immersion, it’s just that they’re annoying.


I’ve only played with the Italian M-109, to my surprise I have to say it’s a fun vehicle. If you can’t handle a vehicle with very little armor and slow reloading, maybe you’re doing something wrong. Sounds like the same story to me as the M-51.


Some play for the immersion, because the game itself is annoying AF.

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I really hate them because i have to shoot there cannon order my APHE shell to Explode

I’m sorry but Advanced Artillery?, have you seen the inside and how many of these pieces of equipment work, Give you a hint most of them reload the same as any WW2 vehicle did.

M109 Paladin being reloaded

M109 from Vietnam no this M109 is not the Paladin despite them being the same vehicle they’re very different from one another but it still takes relatively around the same amount of time for a reload.

A lot of these artillery pieces reload around the same as WW2 Era Mobile Artillery the only difference is the reload is slightly faster irl thanks to the newer tech. But even if it wasn’t it isn’t so significantly different from what was available and these are not open-top, or exposed to the rear.


You’d have had the exact same “problem” if an M12 HMC rolled around the corner and slammed your T-34 with a 155mm round.

The problem is not the vehicle, it’s you leaving part of your vehicle exposed when there’s a (massive, easily visible) howitzer around the corner long enough for him to get his gun on target…

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Yes I like to donk tanks with massive he rounds. I also like to fight against them cause they are a big lightly armored target you just have to learn where to shoot.


i dont have the same issues facing vehicles that should be in the game ,no 1960s vehicles should be in a WW2 scenario ,it makes for a poor game


only half the issue and its not about hitting them ,its about them hitting you and destroying the balance of the game .

NGL artillery tanks should have something similar to scout drones, like for example scout biplanes, so that you can put a squad mark and work with just that.

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MBIC, literally the only way that thing outmatches your T-34 is a gun that has no real difference from similar WW2 howitzers

It’s huge as a house

Has no armor

Does have good mobility- But not T-34 level good

Has the bounciest suspension in the planet, aside from maybe M-51

And has a much longer reload.

It gives this all up for unreliable HE shells that sometimes one-shot by hitting near a tank and sometimes just fizzle out on heavy armor when they should be spalling…


and it can a WW2 tank by hitting the front of the track ,well done in totally missing the point a second time.after 3 years playing the T34 you get to know what is right and what is completely off in the game.

??? So should most high-caliber howitzers in game- What on earth do you expect a 120+mm high-caliber shell to do on hitting a WW2 vehicle?

What does a Sturmtiger rocket do just landing near to practically any vehicle ingame? Or do you not care as much about that heavily armored behemoth with a psuedo-LRF because of the arbitrary WW2 divide?

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Sigh…WW2 only matchmaking would make lots of vehicles too powerful…or make it impossible to match them. Some nations would not even be able to play above certain BRs.

I DON’T like the eras mix from an immersion perspective…but i really don’t see how to use all the vehicles without doing it…

Asymmetric (different numbers, air support, objectives) or Era based matchmaking would in fact make for a poorer game…in the players own opinion (or past experimentation)

Players will NOT play a weaker vehicle…on any situation…so we have balance by capability as the “only” viable alternative.