Adding the sr-71 only as an npc in realistic

I never have. It resets your speed to about 300/350 kts. I’ve actually died from it in the tornado where I wasnt quick enough to extend my wings and fell from the sky like a rock.( I’ve been meaning to make a bug report/suggestion for it actually, to increase the speed you teleport in at) It’s fine at lower tiers in things like props, I don’t think it resets speed if it’s below that speed

Doesn’t WT have a max speed limit as well?

Probably, but in this hypothetical I’d imagine it would be increased. As we near aircraft like the typhoon, I imagine it will need to be increased anyway

It would be nice to have YF-12 as event vehicle. Pretty useless in gameplay but a very very unique aircraft, perfect for event vehicle. Would be one event I would personally grind.


like this? (i know very bad photoshop it was made with google slides)
Untitled presentation-3

Ah, that must be a AB-only feature.


XB-70 with AIM-47s

Or what about this? :P Could be armed with Red Tops

oh concorde on steroids? (that’s basically it right?)

Concorde if it was a Mach 3+ nuclear bomber that was designed with AA missile defenses, yes.

So, in that case couldn’t we put it as a substitute for the nuke Canberra in GR and as a variant of something in the us tech tree at like 11.8?

Honestly sure, that would be awesome.

something based off of WT Live // Images by KagerouImaizumi maybe?

or something like
Untitled presentation-6

AMRAAMs when their target streaks past at Mach 3:

Would the YF-12 be an event vehicle?

Could be an ARB AI target alongside the MiG-25R, but I don’t think that Gaijin’s resources of modelling new aircraft should be directed towards bots and not things we can actually fly

dumb(no offence) they would just be too fast for anything to shoot them down.