Adding the bergepanzer 38(t) to war thunder

war thunder should add the bergepanzer 38(t) to the game its a rare tank and i think it would be a great addition!

if you wish to make a suggestion of a new vehicle, you can make one in the suggestion category. Under Ground, tho i suggest looking through the guideline first. As it has some requirements for approval

Thank you very much! I wasnt aware of the suggestion page

you’re welcome :D

With what armarment?

It would be a flak 38 im pretty sure cant get the most info on it and its a very rare vehicle

While I do encourage more people making suggestion I would go as far as making it a finished suggestion in terms of content you want to put into it but right don’t post it because the suggestion part of the forums is locked in the sense no suggestion can be posted right now because of issues the mods had the current forums for the suggestions and they are the ones who need to approve them.

Really can’t see this being that useful in WT. We already have many 20mm armed German tanks and SPAAs.
This woul be really akward to use as Tank becuase most sources state that it has +5 gun depression meaning it can’t fire targets that are on same level. As a SPAA it wouldn’t be much of a upgrade over Gepard and Flkpz1 other then more crew.Also it would still die to strafing.

Maybe do suggestion about Bergepanther,but even that would be nightmare to balance with Panther armor,but only having single 20mm gun?

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That wouldnt be any more usefull than the other Flaks in game, it would even be more at a disatvantage.

Translate its name. It is a recovery vehicle and, as a result, it has no business being in this game. I suspect that people do not understand this, or alternatively, some malicious people just want a free guaranteed kill at the expense of the German side, otherwise why are there not any such topics for Sherman, T-34, Cromwell, etc recovery vehicles?:

I think this is quite far fetched that somebody would sabotage one nation by trying to suggest “Bad vehicles”.
More like people find interesting vehicle that might work in WT and Hetzer hull is loved by many German players.
Also these things not having place in WT is quite overstatement. We already have M728 and Centurion AVRE that have ability to repair other players faster then other tanks. I think Bergepanzers could work same way when put on correct br also BergePanther could easily be give ability to replenish friendly tank ammo. Of course these things need to have offensive capability to anyway viable to be added.

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There was also variant with 30mm iirc, so that one would be quire usefull

No idea what those post-war looking things are but they appear to be fully turreted, armed (165 mm), equipped with smoke, and can dig unlike the bergepanzer 38(t)…Adding it would be as pointless as adding in a standard Sd.Kfz. 9

Then add these things:

No idea what those post-war looking things are but they appear to be fully turreted, armed (165 mm), equipped with smoke, and can dig unlike the bergepanzer 38(t)…Adding it would be as pointless as adding in a standard Sd.Kfz. 9

Those are two prem tanks in US and UK tree that had unique ability added to them that makes them repair friendly tanks faster. That is what I was pointing out.

Yeah but again these have legitimate turreted armament/smoke/digging whereas the bergepanzer has none of these things

1 prototype was made with a 20mm cannon - Bergepanzer 38(t) – Sd.Kfz. 136 – German Armored Recovery Vehicle based on the Jagdpanzer 38(t) – Hetzer | LandmarkScout

And posting pictures of a Sherman recovery vehicle as justification for rejecting it is both irrelevant and dishonest!!

We already have that guy. It is called the Flakpanzer 38(t) or alternatively, the Aufklärungspanzer 38(t)

Your underhanded attempt at misleading non-German speakers is what is dishonest here:

Again, if you are so desperate to implement in a recovery vehicle then go and make a suggestion (if it is not outright rejected/never approved) for both of these below and see how well that idea holds up on the USA/Soviet suggestions section

Because those vehicles don’t have a 20mm cannon