Adding south korea as a tech tree

Simple answer.

For a Full/Semi tech tree :
North and South Korea combined (United Korean Tree)

For as a subtree :
North Korea in China,
South Korea could essentially be in the US or Israel.

Thailand and other SEA countries would likely be in Japan then South Korea.


To be honest we have enough copy and paste tree’s as it is why do we need more?

This could be a sub tree.

We have 1 copy-paste tree: China, and that won’t be copy-paste soon enough.

honestly i think that israel might not be the best idea, as it’s export versions are a bit diffrent by my knowledge. (Please correct me if i’m mistaken)

something like this maybe?


Do some basic research, Korea will not be separated makes no sense do so either.


They’re going to flag you for saying this. Funny some countries/people can’t let go of the past.

When Korea was once a unified state, there were no tanks or military aircraft…
A little tip, that was more than 100 years ago. Or are you an apologist for Gaijin’s alternative history?

But the North is cooler.


And there are interesting vehicles:



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Worthy replacement, next update guys! /s

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Yeeeesssssss Feed Mee More Killsssssss

I cannot wait to get my F14AM

No way.

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Yes way. It’s my opinion and if you have a problem with it, that’s okay, you don’t have to agree…

The Korean tree has enough equipment to create its own tree. If this opportunity is missed, there is no reason for other trees to follow…

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United Korea Tech Tree looks like a lot of fun.

I’d love to see it released as a standalone


Someone gets it…

The F-14 is an American vehicle, and Iran had good relations with the US at the time they bought em. It’s not comparable.

I think he means Japan gets S. Korea as a sub tree, which is arguably a worse idea, while China gets a N. Korea sub tree.

If S. Korea IS going to be a subtree for any nation, it would probably go to the US. They have extensive political and military connections with each other that makes it a no-brainer, though a S. Korean nation with a N. Korean subtree makes the most sense to me.

That is what I meant… You would have seen that if you had just read the next comment…

As usually, when it comes to nations in WT, I just think “The more, the merrier.” I don’t know what all South Korea would have, though; their own vehicles would be relegated to the end of their tech-tree, because I think most of their vehicles early on would have to be vehicles from other nations. For example, early on their tech-tree, they would have an M48 Patton; variations would include the M48A5, M48A5K1, and M48A5K2, respectively. Apparently they also have Soviet tech, though I think they were added near the end of the 20th Century. Do keep in mind, though, that I’m going by what the Wikiped is showing.

Besides the ROK Army, they don’t seem to have much going for their Navy. Their Air Force would surely consist of P-51’s and F-86F’s, at least.