Adding south korea as a tech tree

should south korea have a seperate tech tree starting with a p-51 and ending with kf-16/15?

I’d personally rather see a united Korea tree, or sub TT’s in Japan and China

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yea but nk kinda fits in with soviets or china

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Yeah, that’s why I through China in there. That was for North Korea. It was a rushed comment, I was mid match. Sorry :)

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alls good

You want to have South Korea be a sub tree of China? One of the countries they literally hate the most? This is a horrendous idea.

I meant south Korea for Japan and North for China…

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That makes a little more sense. I would amend your first statement to reflect this.

I also don’t think China should get North Korea since it would just be USSR 2.0.

Like I said, it was a rushed comment. Just read the 2nd one too

The personal issue that I have with any sub tech tree or new nation talk is that we don’t really know the intentions Gaijin has with that specific country. If I’m not mistaken India is considered a U.K. sub (even if it isn’t a fully fledged line). At the same time India technically has more than enough vehicles to have its own tech tree. Who knows if we’ll get a single tech tree with both North and South Korea or if they’ll be divided into subs.

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First question that needs to be asked whenever people suggest a entire new TT is “are there enough unique vehicles?”

But people more often than not stretch the meaning of unique to the absolute limit to hide the fact most TTs from now on forward will be 80% copypaste.

Yeah this greyhound has extra 20mm hatch welded that has next to no impact on how greyhound is played, its totally unique

This tank has domestic FCS installed. Tank has same stabilizer, optics, magnification, laser rangefinder, thermals, but the unique FCS is totally worth it!

Yeah sorry, its a copypasted tank.

Second question is if they have enough vehicles to form functioning lineups at most BRs.

TT with two or three vehicles per rank womt be able to form functioning lineup to be playable.

With that out of the way, does south korea actually have enough unique vehicles?

For example, how actually south korean F-16s differ from US ones?

Entirety of the Czechoslovakia proposal unironically.

Sadly, yes, bar Danas and STROPs.

Simple answer.

For a Full/Semi tech tree :
North and South Korea combined (United Korean Tree)

For as a subtree :
North Korea in China,
South Korea could essentially be in the US or Israel.

Thailand and other SEA countries would likely be in Japan then South Korea.

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To be honest we have enough copy and paste tree’s as it is why do we need more?

This could be a sub tree.

We have 1 copy-paste tree: China, and that won’t be copy-paste soon enough.

honestly i think that israel might not be the best idea, as it’s export versions are a bit diffrent by my knowledge. (Please correct me if i’m mistaken)

something like this maybe?


Do some basic research, Korea will not be separated makes no sense do so either.


They’re going to flag you for saying this. Funny some countries/people can’t let go of the past.