Adding IRIS-T Missile for Germany

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Greetings to all War Thunder players and developers!

I would like to propose adding the IRIS-T missile to Germany’s arsenal. Here are a few reasons why this would be a great addition.

The selection of missiles and equipment for each nation is heavily influenced by historical accuracy and game balancing. However, there are several compelling reasons why Germany should receive the IRIS-T missile in the game:

  1. Historical and Technological Accuracy: The IRIS-T (Infra Red Imaging System Tail/Thrust Vector-Controlled) is a modern air-to-air missile developed by a consortium led by Germany. Since its deployment in 2005, it has been one of the most advanced short-range missiles in the world. Integrating it into the game would accurately reflect the technological advancements of the Bundeswehr and its air force.

  2. Balancing Gameplay Mechanics: Germany could benefit from a more modern and efficient air-to-air missile to balance the power dynamics within the game. The IRIS-T boasts advanced maneuverability and an enhanced infrared targeting system, making it a formidable threat to enemy aircraft. This could bring the German air force in War Thunder on par with other modern nations that already have access to highly advanced missiles.

  3. Strategic Variety and Tactical Options: Introducing the IRIS-T would significantly expand the tactical options available to German aircraft. With its ability to acquire and intercept targets from nearly any angle, players could develop more flexible and unpredictable air combat strategies. This would not only enrich the gameplay experience but also increase players’ motivation to use German aircraft in the game.

  4. Realism and Gameplay Depth: War Thunder is known for its realism and detailed replication of military equipment. Implementing the IRIS-T would align with this commitment to realism and add another layer of technical complexity to the game. Players interested in modern military technology would appreciate the opportunity to use a missile that is currently in service with many air forces around the world.

Overall, introducing the IRIS-T missile would not only enhance the historical accuracy and realism of the game but also improve the balancing and tactical depth of air combat for the German nation in War Thunder.

F-4F ICE is sad prove

Yes, I know its allready denied for currently since it would be a bit strong, but who knows 1 day this will change. /s


Already been answered by Smin that its to strong to be added currently.


I would like to see it ingame at some point but currently Warthunder isn’t ready for it


Yea sadly, but maybe 1 day this changes

Yeah give it a while, it may come next year or it may come in 2039. Nobody except a Gaijin employee could give a specific but everything will reach the game at some point

It would not be balanced in a Vacuum. Aim-9Li that the ICE has is essentially equal to the AIm-9M and r-73 most nations already have/use in game. Adding IRIS-T would mean they would also have to add Aim-9X, ASRAAM and R-74s, etc etc.

Germany would be back to sqaure one on that regard. If nothing else, the Tornado F3 AOP which has Aim-9M as placeholders, should have ASRAAM. the ICE’s direct equal at 13.3 would also have to get the upgrade to gen 5 IRs.

As much as I’d love to see them and Im personally hoping for ASRAAM on the Tornado Gr4 sooner rather than later. Its too soon for that at the second and WAY too soon for anything A2A focused. That being said. Ground laucnhed IRIS-T or ASRAAM could be good fits for a new top tier SAM systems

I guess gaijin might ready IRIS-T Air-to-Air Missile on fighter aircraft next year but decompression max BR for aircraft top tier to 14.3 minimum

But I want to see Surface-to-Air Missile version on SAM top tier someday

dont take it seriously, he pretty much is only dissing/mocking the thread from the sweds asking for the IRIS-T


War Thunder player try to not miss sarcasm #Challenge #Impossible

yes ICE very poor performing, balance change needed. Flying rape missile IRIS-T needed so other nations learn their lesson /s

Ah… In that case… Meteors when?



Lol another post asked for it for Sweden. The war begins. We can win German mains 🫡

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Lmao an ai written sarcasm post this so great :)

Pretty much an accurate German main though.


Do the Bible, because its also AI written according to these things…

Also, its not even KI, because I just took it from the Swedish one, which looks to 100% like ChatGPT:)

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You know very well what the answear is, and that this is a pointless post.

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And yet you are here and wasting your time :)

hook line and sinker

Yea, im watching the forum during my SPAA grind, 0 planes to kill :(

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