Add an open ocean D point to some Naval conquest maps

Maps where most coastal vessels and some destroyers have easy access to two capture points should have the open ocean portion extended to accommodate a D point (or actually a new A point)

This should be tested on the African Gulf map

This wouldn’t be a fix to the many underlying issues but it would prevent blue water heavy fleet spawn only ships from being non entities in some conquest games simply bc it is physically impossible for them to contest more than 2 capture points from the fast coastal ships and destroyers. (Extending the open ocean portion of the conquest maps is also a good idea on its own)

If it has the desired effect, cruisers and beyond would have a better chance to contribute and prevent boats, frigates , destroyers and sometimes a single one of those from making decisive captures that will cause a hemorrhage of tickets

And anything smaller than a destroyer would still have an acceptable but not dominating role

Lastly, as more ppl spade the 11451 and more fast boats get added, even ship launched floatplanes will have no chance to cap

I can imagine some unintended consequences

Attack the D point!