Add Ability to Choose Replay Soundtrack


As is known, in Warthunder there’s different soundtrack for world war 2 era and post-war vehicles. When you fly your first rank V jet, you’re blasted with high-intensity, fast-paced music made to match the tempo and the vibes of the korean and vietnam war dogfights.

However, the replay system does not recognize this and instead only plays the world-war two classics. These are iconic pieces, but feel far more fitting underscoring a propeller plane duel over a jet dogfight.

As such, I’d like to suggest the following

Please create an additional button in the replay control interface that allows the player to change whether the background music is from the Rank I-IV pool of music tracks OR from the V-VIII pool.:

Alternatively, it could even allow users to specifically select desired soundtracks.

How this improves the Warthunder gameplay experience

It does not.

However, it does improve amateur content creation where you have a cool duel and want to upload it for your friends.

As a consequence, random people finding such videos may be more convinced to try Warthunder hearing soundtrack that matches what’s happening, thereby potentially benefiting the company’s new player recruitment and potential customers.

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