ADATS, what Gaijin got wrong

Yeah, funny how the F-16C’s targeting pod got nerfed to gen 1 thermals like a week after it was added even though the resolution was closer to gen 3s, or the fact that brimstones were artificially nerfed before they were added merely because they would be “OP,” but God forbid that the Kh-38s get nerfed.



Look through it, radar included, about the penetration values I believe it won’t be changed because of the 850mm and max of 1100mm. I could send 2 responses based on the radar increased range bug report and the “auto lead” capability you reported too.

Edit: modified access so all can see it, my bad


If anyone else wants to have a look
@xfgusta @HondaCivici @MrBombastic8 @ZE4L0T @ileaveuptiers

Very interesting! Thank you for getting these materials

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I will be honest, the radar coverage is a wild one

Considerign how Gaijin models radars, it would have a enormous 74 degree of vertical coverage (just after i explain to them that both beams are produced at the same time).
Im trying to work out how to bite it.


Don’t rush it lmao, in just glad I could get more info, idk about the pen tho, just leave it as is

My favorite SPAA system, how could I not try to make it more accurate

How do you obtain this vertical coverage? Is it possible to approximate it using only the maximum height and range?

Its not, but we have this

In the most vertical point it reaches around 72-74, depending how you count it.


I hate the fact that in order to use this, I have to find a source clearly explaining that both beams are active at the same time.
The reason for that is, because Soviet vehicles, like OSA that has 3 beams, use them one after the other. Western vehicle suffering it rn is ITO, that uses Crotale scan pattern, that is also dual beam, but Gaijin misunderstood it as 3 separate beams, and made it into 3 separate beams in elevation, tripling scan time.
Crotale i mentioned

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I asked him now if they are active at the same time, maybe he could give me a source too

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He said, and I quote: “No not at the same time. The 2 beams make it a 2D+ radar. Its quite neat really. The use the 2 beams to give a rough height indication.”


It shouldnt have m919 belts as the pressure from apds belts puts huge strain on the even higher firerate bushmaster , At best in the best case scenario it would be like the gepard with a limited amount of apds

So is the M242 the wrong gun on the ADATS?

no , its a modified version of the bradley’s bushmaster made to fire a higher firerate , yet just like the gepard they realised firing apds is
1: stupid , why ap rounds against aircraft when when he or incendiary rounds do more damage
2: the primary targets is the aircraft THEN the ground targets so including 1:1 ratio of he and ap should suffice
3: apds causes unnecessary pressure to the gun while firing at a increased firerate which can cause higher maintenance

So in general you shouldnt expect apds on it but if it did it would be nice to get like 40-50 as it would basically be a last resort

Also your main weapon other than this faster bushmaster should be the missles with lots of pen , why do you even need apds

So it sounds like you have a source to submit a bug report about this.

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So both beams were in a scenario of TWS. Good to know

Damn… TWS for adats would be a game changer

No SPAA search radar has TWS, but it’s reported

Right, I forgot about one crucial detail. These things lack any cover or proof of from where they come, so I can’t use them for now.