guys a question, have you seen that you can lock any nato missile, spike, maverick, hellfire and any bomb with the Adats but you can’t lock onto Kh38s and Kh29s at all? maybe you can lock but it loses it straight after and is unable to track, which doesn’t happen to the others
You can at 2-0,5km. Yea, suboptimal to say the least.
i tried with a friend in custom battle with both kh38s and kh29s, you really cannot
loses lock instantly
but still, what’s the logic behind this? can track bombs and smaller missiles but not a huge missile at all?
bug report it
did, with nothing attached, hoping it will be attempted to reproduce without needing any videos for reference
MIM-146 rocket motor performance
Will be fixed in
Soooo, anyone up to get the FLIR range increased to 15 km?
ADATS FLIR range incorrect
^ this
Its so broken… I can even track small scout drone from 5km but not a fkn cruise missile. Someone made bug report some time ago and they found a neat excuse that motor of kh38 missile doesnt burn therefore it cannot be tracked. BRUH. Mavs, hellfires, spikes burn for like idk 3-4s yet they are very easy to lock and intercept and yeah when it comes to intercepting kh38 theres also a very high chance that missile wont fuse and go past it like it was some sekrit stealth technology
Now that the changes are here.
It feels much better, but only half of the time. At the last 4s of flight it does not turn, so max range shots are only for afk things, while the 11-18s also leaves much to be desired.
Great to see that we got some improvements because of this thread. Now, the changes I’m most looking forward to are the “slew to cue” and the ability to track missiles reliably
Missiles tracking is not likely to be looked at, as it can do so, be it at very shot ranges, but it can, so unless we get some data they say it can lock them, where is the problem?
Looks good, yet another buff to the beloved ADATS
It is a buff and nerf. It does not overcorrect so much, but after 11s of flight it’s ability to hit things drops significantly. But I guess it is a improvement over the missile that was somewhere in the outer space after a slight turn.
It’s definitely an overall buff to the missile.
This sway reduction is rly nice tbh increased burn time also makes medium-long range shot more probable imo but maybe its cuz of this sway fix
Well I wouldn’t consider it “long” range. The stingers are a 5km range missile and are short range. It more short to medium range engagements which still after this update is better.
here it is tracking gbu39s which i locked at 2-3km
so yeah, they did it intentionally so that irst wouldn’t be able to track russian missiles
managed to track and intercept the aasm 250 hammer (could never against kh38s and 29s) but can’t upload the vid because it’s 30bits bigger than the cap of 4mb
Sry i meant long range for adats