That’s with all IR tracking systems, including Pantsir’s IR tracking mode.
Also all 10 tech trees need SPAA for 12.x, not just USA.
I hope SPYDER with Python 5 is soon so Gaijin finds out how balanced it is.
I think he’s talking about the turret slewing to the target, which is indeed missing.
I assume so too, and it indeed is missing. Most TV/IR SPAA/ TV/IR track SPAA could cue their lock to radar, but Gaijin does not belive so for some reason.
These brochures also mention the turret slewing to target. Maybe you can add this to your report
Very nice! Im goign to annoy Gunjob to add it.
I don’t understand your question
The ADATS cannot “radar lock”
It has TWS., that is why i took radar lock in “”
It has an search radar target lock is done via optical and IR.
Do you know what Search radar TWS is?
Do you know what a radar lock is?
The radar is capable of ranging and locating targets. Guidance and target lock are via Optical system.
IR locking ground units is not a mechanic implemented in War Thunder (despite multiple tanks having it IRL). Probably for the better.
Yes, now do you know what Search Radar TWS is?
Radar feeding targeting data to while scaning. Something this radar can not do.
It can scan and range.
The Spyder would be nice or if they wanted to have a little fun could add the HVSD/ADAMS
The TWS being mentioned here is different from what you see on an F-14. I will admit I am wrong with the use of the definition in this case but they seem to be using it in a prioritization method.
I still feel it is important to make it clear the ADATS can’t engage multiple targets at once like the Pantsir.
Yes, it cant, but it can preform TWS. TWS in ground search radars is redirecting part of the radar power to provide more data about the target than the standard ping.