ADATS still costs same SP as if it was TD. Why?

Did Gaijin forgot to change its spawncost? its so nice Gaijin realised after million years that ADATS is AA and its anti tank capabilities became really bad with the SACLOS change, but why didnt they change the spawn cost as well? whats the point of ADATS becoming SPAA when basically nothing has changed?


same reason that the Imp.Chapparal can’t use its radar to aid guiding its missiles. Gajin just hates America’s SPAA line for whatever reason.


Both the Pantsir and ADATS have increased SP cost compared to other SPAA.

The ADATS has this because it is good against tanks.

The Pantsir has this because it is exceptionally good against planes.

Spawning in normal MBTs does not affect the ADATS spawn costs any more, so it is much much cheaper than it was last patch.


adats is only good against helicopters as an spaa you can get lucky and hit planes but overall its easily avoidable.

It doesn’t get more expensive for every non SPAA spawn anymore, which is where you are really saving SP.


Well, I didnt know that about Pantsir, and the SP cost not going up as you die multiple times is also nice change. Thank you.

It used IRT, not a radar.
And the IRT can’t connect to the IR seeker of the Mim-92 missiles

It has IRST tracking AND tracking radar. It SHOULD link the same way Aim-9Ps link to radar.

It doesn’t have a gimble limit to slave to mate. And even then, all it does is point the seeker in the direction, not obtain a lock for it. Same things happens with the Aim-9P man,

It’s still meant to combat flares and probably IRCM

I never said it wasn’t.
The IRT and Radar can tell a missile where to look, but it can’t just give it a lock. That’s how all missile work in this game.

Since the Mim-72 (or is it 92? Idk I forget lol) doesn’t have a gimble limit, it can’t be slaves to target tracking.

In all fairness the Mim-72 should have a gimble limit, given it’s literally a stinger seeker head, and should have inherited such a capability from it. But gaijin be gaijin, and want to gimp Israel’s only viable SPAA…

“vs good tanks” brother in christ u either trolling or rage baiting, it doesnt have tandem missles, most time u shoot at most protected mbts u wont do anything, that is if enemy doesnt have skill issue and let u shot them multiple times

Can you show that radar? I have not seen it on any Chap.

It doesnt have a radar? It uses IR for locking. Also it uses IR missiles ,which dont have datalink.

It has both. the tracking radar works with the same button as on the M163

Like show it to me. I have never seen a radar on Chap, and it for sure does not lock using one.

It’s supposed to help against countermeasures similar to the Aim-9P, but that would make it an actually useful American SPAA which Gajin won’t let happen.

Thats an IRT lock. It has nothing to do with radar. And it does not provide any DL at all.

It uses IR camera mounted between the left rails to track IR signature of the target automaticly.

This is IR lock

This is radar lock

First one is a IR lock of the missile.
Second one is a IR lock of the vehicle.

When you go to the optics in the hangar you can see their stats.