Activist battlepass task

You really need to stop posting on this website.

Don’t worry, I will.

I’m not sure of specifics but I noticed the tasks I was favoring which were the kill-based ones which I felt were in my hands to complete were removed as I progressed and I didn’t get the option for them even if I paid SL to change, which I did the end they wanted me to pay GE to continue changing the task.

I find too many tasks are luck based such as getting first kill. I much prefer getting 2 kills in tier 2 and 20 at tier 3 or gaining kills in a heavy tank etc. .I know I can do those and sometimes in only a few games.

I find scouting kills my stats which are kill based, as much as I actually like scouting, I was having a stat drive and scouting games where I don’t do kills hammer it.

Yes, some tasks are out of your hands such as whether you win or not and avoid those if I am given the chance, I would rather pay SL and get another kill-based mission. I would get a mission to shoot down planes and see few or no planes etc. .I know where you are coming from.

BP has effects on the game overall and I am always having to view War Thunder and Gaijin like a slightly dodgy strip club or casino where I really don’t trust them to be 100% honest. I do have suspicions about wagers, BP tasks when you are close to completing etc.

I think those who scream conspiracy theory or conformation bias are just a little naive. Gaijin has an element of Eastern European seediness that I have seen on my travels.

Just try this, go onto the game, click to buy 150 GE and see how many times it throws you onto the maximum. Happens nearly every time. The number of times I nearly spent £40 instead of the 89p I intended is amazing. They must catch so many people out that way.

They say “If it smells like a rat and looks like a rat, it’s probably a rat”

So yes the BP tasks like everything else boil down to spending SL or , GE .

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A couple seasons ago, I was extremely deep in the rewards. I gained the title. It would throw me tasks to be heavy metal hero or heavy metal fury etc, time and again. I think there is an element to the algorithms to increase the challenge level to match the player’s standards, which is a good aspect of behind the scene, Gaijin manipulations. I’d actually encourage that. But there are aspects to it that are aimed at forcing to you queue. In other words, they are after your play time.

If it respected your playtime, there would be more variables to the complex system. Battle % is entirely out of control of the player, and it’s asking for a threshold that is heavily implied. Instead of a specific reward, it’s asking for something arbitrary that implies the same thing. If the requirement is 85%, I’m essentially supposed to get Heavy Metal Fury. I just find it ridiculous that I dominate a match near the top of the scoreboard which would satisfy other specific requirements, but I was 2% battle activity shy of completing a step in the task. I then have to requeue where I could get 95% battle activity and lose because of potato teammates.

I understand the business model, but I would like to feel less farmed than this.

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I get all the awards at certain times, but it can be out of my hands to a degree.
It was just odd that after a few days of selecting certain BP tasks that those very same tasks vanished from the menu.

I don’t care what anybody says, many of those tasks are out of your hands especially with limited time. I got the Russian Heavy last year some time for free yet this year I didn’t even get the Sheridan despite paying for BP.

With all the map changes, CAS nerfs and Task BS I just couldn’t be bothered. Probably my last BP and I was a fool to even bother last time.

Are you talking about the Challenges?

Yes just the daily challenges, I let the big challenges roll along and complete over time.

Absolutely. The important thing is to know which tasks in which modes are very doable for oneself. And to invest in changing tasks to become very doable. I found Air AB to be the best choice for nearly all tasks. Very quick.

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You really need to stop posting because you are completely misunderstanding the point of this thread.
You only have a certain number of re-rolls, and you will not see every potential task until the reroll button is locked.
You are encouraged to reroll to aim for one that you can timely complete. There are blatantly out-of-user-control tasks like Repair people. There are in-control tasks like kill counts. There are subtly out-of-control tasks like win with battle % where you have to play hard for a scale of matches rather than a set number of them. The goal is to get you to play, figuratively speaking a ballpark number, 5-10 matches per day. I’m speculating because I don’t know what numbers Gaijin has settled upon, but it’s obvious they have a desired number or there wouldn’t be so many bs type tasks in the mix.

Every F2P game has tools to generate player engagement. If WT didn’t have so many complex tasks and task systems, they would have a more manipulative matchmaker. I think enough game companies have learned you can’t game your players with absurdly unfair matchmaking manipulations. WT is mostly upfront about the matchmaker rigging by revealing BR and stating publicly they add occasional uptier and downtier matches. This would happen in other F2P games using player skill metrics to bait match queueing. WT could secretly have some of these systems, but if they do, they are not entirely noticable because of how dynamic matches can be.

Anything with win conditions is stupid, personal challenge shouldn’t hinge on team performance, it just becomes a roll of the dice every game as no individual can control the outcome of a match.

This applies to the battlepass, special medals as well as daily tasks, win requirements need to be dropped.

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And I am telling you, that if you pick the right mode, you can bring this down to 2-5 matches a day. I am not the only one who cites this number. But those who say 2-5 usually play air ab, not tanks. Tanks is not the most beneficial mode in warthunder in most regards.


Gotta say, it didn’t occur to me to try Air RB or even arcade as a work around. I just stayed on GRB. It’s a fair point.

Problem is that these things end up completely dominating your playstyle, if it’s not the BP challenge it’s the daily task, or the special medal, or the current event, squadron vehicle before even getting to progress the actual TT.

Take win with first strike in air AB: Pick a very fast plane, dive for the nearest ground unit and kill it. Then do whatever helps winning until you die. It only takes 1-2 minutes for the first strike. And it is not hard to kill a ground unit first. After you seed 3 matches, just move on. Likely one will be won. Done.

True. So keeping it as short as possible seems to be a good idea.

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I might give that a go. I actually get a surprising amount of first strikes in GRB by using artillery and targeting places I know the lemming train will back up. Amazing how often that works considering some people never use arty.

I also change my tasks from first strike and then get the first strike lol

True. So keeping it as short as possible seems to be a good idea.

Sure, but that can still take a fair amount of time regardless, if you only have a little bit of time a day that will be entirely dedicated to these tasks if you ever want to participate in a BP or get something from the WB shop which for some godforsaken reason is tied in with the BP now, or if you want an event vehicle you can just give up.

Just do it fast.

You are a clown.

Dunning & Kruger riddle once again.

Ah yes, the fanbois and game devs’ favorite gaslighting argument.