I’m not trying to start an argument or anything and I am just curious at this point. It’s been 6 months since Gaijin closed account transferring and I feel with the holidays coming around (and a most likely large movement from console to PC for some of those lucky kids out there) that the account transferring should open up soon. Does anyone else feel this way? I also have been looking for the account transfer opening announcement because I have also switched to PC earlier in the year. To the Gaijin staff, is there any word about this possibly opening up soon? I have so much progress on my account I would rather not start form scratch just so I can access the gaijin marketplace and get access those PC special sales.
I am also wondering; I hope that someone at Gaijin reads and comments here about an update. (If so, thank you)
Can’t wait to move to the PC version as well, sick of PSN still holding my arm
Yes. People at Gaijin do know about this…BUT i have no clue on the motives or issues involved…there is Gaijin staff providing feedback on this…just not answering every question…
The usual reason reported is a backlog of requests…whenever the “buffer” fills up they stop the migration for a time…
And no…i have no info to give on this…i play on PS4/5…but i don’t really consider leaving…
Not sure if there is something else involved…
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