About VT-5 tank

unless developer can prove vt5 actually has the turret cage or there is no reason to put it on the vt5.
if developer has the information of the current armor of vt5 in the game, we won’t have so much conversation.


true,Gaijin should treat this problem sincerely,instead of creating an unhistorical tank that doesnt exist


fix it ! gaijin!


Gaijin really should be making more historical accurate tanks instead of just making it up.


The current situation is essentially taking the real-world VT-5 and reimagining a fictional VT-5 that doesn’t actually exist. The catastrophic misrepresentation of its internal structure and armor constitutes a disastrous fiasco. This demonstrates utterly irresponsible treatment of Chinese tech tree players and a half-hearted approach to game development that’s chilling to witness.


it’s ridiculous that there are so many proof from the official military promotion media CCTV7.This game only believe what they want and when you slap the proof on their face,they just simply say “not a bug”.Our Chinese vehicle player was never given the fair treat. The not bad kd is built up by many skilled player.Not like Russian that you hold"W"and win.


This is really disappointing. I can’t understand why the developers added this turret basket to the VT5 tank without even providing a reasonable explanation. Sigh.


I would like to acknowledge that the contributors have made every effort to compile relatively comprehensive reference materials. However, as we all recognize, it"s inherently impossible to capture every detail in such complex undertakings. Based on the materials currently available, we have observed several inaccuracies regarding the VT5 in-game representation. While we recognize and appreciate the considerable effort the developers have invested in creating these vehicles, we hope our feedback can be respectfully received as constructive input for potential refinements.


Dear community manager,I have to say that some old regulations on sending a bug report has blocked the way for us to reach the developers.For example,interviews and official military program videos are not admitted as reliable sources,but export brochures are considered as restricted sources,but there’s nothing we can get since this is a tank currently in service,so we find that there’s few thing we can do in CBR site,that’s why we came to the forum to write a full explanation on this tank and hoping developers can see this.
Could you please have a conversation with CBR site administrator and convince him to change those regulations?We’ll be very willing to send bug reports with abundant historical materials and extra expalnations in that way.


It should be more detailed. It’s very rough now.


Please provide evidence from Gaijin to players that the VT5 tank has a turret basket and that its main armor cannot defend against second-generation tank main gun fire, and that its armor weak spots cannot defend against heavy machine gun fire.


the pipeline should be back-up ammos, you can see the lock catch


obviously vt5 should be a more powerful tank

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The armor of the VT5 should be enhanced rather than just being able to withstand machine gun fire. According to current design, VT5 adopts modular armor system that allows for the installation of additional composite armor or explosive reactive armor (ERA) to reinforce critical areas.

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We’re disappointed in what Gaijin did.

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This is the version with the contrast adjusted


The thirty-ton tank hull was turned into a big iron shell by BVVD. Where did the composite armor inside go?


Yes, I suppose so This 105 shell is about 1.2m long, and if there is a tank basket structure, it will not be able to hold these shells.

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all the information you need have already been proved
why you guys just use “nab” and “not enough info” to ignore


We would like to understand the developers’ perspective. Could you please explain the rationale behind the addition of the turret basket to the VT5 tank? On what basis or sources did the developers decide to include this turret basket? We sincerely appreciate your clarification.