About VT-5 tank

Side armor was changed to at least 20mm:

External plate was changed to 25mm:

Though the underlying plate is still 15mm instead of 20 - 25mm.

Though it is resistant to 30mm autocannon fire from 500 meters:

These facts are not a representation of my opinions.


This is absolutely unacceptable. The non-existent hanging basket and the reduced armor at the front of the vehicle body are a blatant humiliation of the Chinese tech tree by Gaijin.


I can’t believe that, despite so much evidence, Gaijin still insists on having their own way.


Balaninov, give the VT5’s true Armor to us! Such a waste from Poland!

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To be fair, I didn’t see a LFP bug report using the new evidence acquired.
Just old bug reports closed for lack of evidence.

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there is a line on the LFP still possible to be pened by 12.7 APT
not surprising through, it seems like a modeling error
plus there are a few small parts on the turret and mantlet still possible to be pened by 12.7 APT as well


Yes, at 0 meters which no IRL military or military contractor tests on.
Though fixing the LFP to 20mm would fix that issue.

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just testing the thickness, also I tested it at 500 meters, they are the results
just to add some more, 12.7 APT at 500 meters to the side



But what about the basket that FABRICATED by Gaijin? Pictures shown above can definitely show that the VT-5 didn’t have a basket in real world.


it gets only top and bottom like leo and abrams




The armor protection of the VT5 needs to be strengthened.


But it’s still strange as when the ground is hit won’t inflect the gunners to change the direction of the turrent. Currently none have submitted the evidence showing that the ground is connected to the turrent.

still different, these bars in middle has damage model

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did they? I didnt test them yet

you can test it with auto cannon apfsds

That’s acceptable to me, especially if I was a crew I’d be more concerned about escaping and repairing the vehicle more than shooting back.
It’s firing a round better than 120mm DM33 at 10.7.

I doubt that considering Leopard 2’s doesn’t.

it is


The fact that this is the current protection map for the VT5 vs. the T-55’s weakest armour-piercing shell is appalling. How is it that the tank that was designed to be 100mm AP-proof not able to do that?


So it is. I was looking for a round to test.

Only the turret was designed that way, and yes the turret composite is an issue in-game.
The add-on armor version of 36 tons could make the hull resistant.

Gotta fix the turret.

They are never going to fix the turret, even the 36 ton one will suffer. If they really wanted to fix the turret then they would have done it by now.