About VT-5 tank

Looks like Mr. Harrier GR.7 (AlvisWisla) has stirred up public outrage—and rightfully so. Oh, no need to reply, I’ve already blocked you. I’m just enjoying the show, watching you struggle, get angry, and make a fool of yourself.

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@TheSoloWing_Pixy blocks Israel & Chinese tech tree players for wanting to improve VT5, no surprise that they hate the Chinese tech tree.

Also, real quick—compared to actual VT5 photos, Gaijin’s model has the tow hook visually moved way forward. It’s supposed to sit flush with the add-on armor plate, but now it protrudes. That probably means the actual armor plate thickness there is thicker than our current estimates.


THANK YOU! Finally an agreeable post! <3

Your desperate invocation of an imaginary ‘we’ would be touching if it weren’t so delusional. Let’s dissect this fantasy:
Aligns with documented VT5 capabilities. Your “countless evidence” amounts to:
✓ 0 peer-reviewed papers
✓ 0 OEM technical disclosures
✓ 0 military test reports
…while our citations include NORINCO patents and interview with the Chief Designer you keep ignoring.

Your laughable T-80BVM(46t) vs Tiger(57t) comparisons are the military equivalent of claiming steam locomotives disprove bullet train aerodynamics. Modern composites make your beloved steel metrics as relevant as phlogiston theory in quantum physics.your “incorrect armor” narrative collapsed harder than the Maginot Line in 1940. The only thing being disproven here is your capacity for technical literacy.

This isn’t debate - it’s watching someone try to flood the Mariana Trench with a garden hose while screaming ‘WE’RE WINNING!’ to non-existent allies. The scientific method called - it wants its dignity back from your amateur-hour theatrics.


Me: “VT5’s armor is incorrect.”
Others: “VT5’s armor is incorrect.”
Your post: “These people are paid by Gaijin to say that.”


The fact your post is bringing up T-80BVM to Tiger in the same sentence is laughable and proves your posts are nonsense.

Our citations include Norinco and photographs that prove War Thunder’s VT5 armor is incorrect.
You have no citations disproving our claims that VT5’s armor is incorrect.

Looks like Gaijin’s model has the tow hooks sticking out 50mm too far forward. But if you move it back to the correct spot and measure it the same way we did earlier, the actual physical thickness in that area would probably much bigger.

Oh, by the way. Mr. Harrier GR.7, with your messy, desperate attempts to defend Gaijin—what a loyal sycophant. Sucking up to Gaijin won’t get you a job—unless you’re already working for them on a minimum wage.

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I understand nothing…

You spend the whole topic explaining why VT-5 having paper armor on the dev server was fine because “it’s a light tank”, but then you keep saying that “we all agree that it was wrong on the dev server”.

Like, what’s your angle? xD


Your comprehension skills continue to astound - mistaking a deliberate reductio ad absurdum of YOUR flawed TAM/VT5 analogy for a serious comparison is like confusing a funhouse mirror reflection for actual human proportions. Let’s illuminate this tragicomic misunderstanding:

  1. The Mirror of Your Madness
    When YOU compared 1979 TAM steel to 2016 VT5 composites, I mirrored YOUR flawed logic by taking it to its logical extreme: If generational gaps don’t matter, then why not compare Tigers to T-80BVMs? Your failure to recognize this basic rhetorical device speaks volumes about your analytical depth.

  2. The Phantom Bribe Accusation
    Your sudden “paid by Gaijin” fantasy - never once mentioned in my 23 previous responses - reveals more about your paranoia than my arguments. Projection much? This isn’t debate - it’s Freudian slip masquerading as technical discussion.

The final irony? Your T-80BVM/Tiger “gotcha” attempt perfectly demonstrates why your TAM/VT5 comparisons were flawed from inception. This isn’t stubbornness - it’s performance art demonstrating how confirmation bias can make someone simultaneously cite and ignore the same technical documents. Bravo - the theater of the absurd has found its lead clown.


@TheSoloWing_Pixy is now claiming everyone in this topic are defending Gaijin by saying VT5’s armor is wrong.
WOW! Just wow…

I never once said the VT5’s armor is fine. NEVER. Stop inventing myths.


I never compared steel to composites in my life.

Of course, if Gaijin’s using a different VT5 variant with the tow hook mounts in a totally different spot as their reference, then just toss my analysis out the window.

Looks like our persistent interlocutor’s behavior presents a fascinating case study in self-generated consensus. Observe the pathology:

  1. Schizoid Citation Syndrome
    He cites imaginary allies like ‘others’ and ‘we’ while actual technical literature universally contradicts his claims. This isn’t debate - it’s a one-man reenactment of The Emperor’s New Armor where he tailors reality to fit delusions of support.

  2. Robotic Repetition Loops
    The mechanical rehashing of debunked TAM comparisons despite 14 counter-citations suggests either:
    a) Malfunctioning machine learning trained on 1970s field manuals
    b) Human cognitive dissonance achieving sentient meme status


VT5’s armor is incorrect. Namely on dev server.

Do you agree with me or not?

Or are you going to gaslight myself and others by claiming we’re mentally unwell?

The fox agrees with your view, and I do too. It seems he can be normal at times.

On the one hand, yes, you have said that it is incorrect the whole time. On the other hand:

On the other hand, you suggest that “VT-5 should not even have Leopard I-level armor unless it were 7 tons heavier”, and that it should only have “a bit more turret armor” than TAM (80mm KE)… which directly contradicts your earlier statements claiming that the armor was incorrect, when you then proceed to say that it should be worse protected than a 1960s steel tank.

So… understand my confusion, hahah.


“I also find the fox’s remarks self-contradictory and inconsistent. On one hand, he uses the TAM tank analogy to compare with the VT-5, trying to convince Chinese players, while on the other hand, he claims to agree with your viewpoint. His comments are utterly confusing—maybe he’s just trying to provoke Chinese players? Look at the Chinese guy upstairs who replied incoherently to the fox. Could it be that the fox supports your opinion because you’re European?”


That’s why I am confused indeed! It is not the first time, either.

On the one hand, he will argue against people seeking for an improvement, claiming that such suggested improvement is unfounded and unrealistic (“VT-5 can’t aspire to having better armor than a 1960s Leopard I because it’s a light tank”).

On the other hand, he will do so while simultaneously and repeatedly stating that “he is agreeing with you” and saying that “thank you for agreeing and proving that he is right” (“I think VT-5’s current armor depiction is wrong, I agree!”)…

So I am normally confused about what exactly his angle is indeed xD.

There’s been other times where we’ve had clear agreements and clear disagreements; but sometimes his statements are contradictory and I can’t figure his exact position.

I swear there is zero malice on my end, I genuinely would like to understand and try my best- but sometimes I am so confused that I don’t know what to say or interpret.


No idea,but strange

Yes, I wrote posts poorly and should’ve taken more time.

All my posts points’ were to say VT5’s armor is incorrect, and at the same time say that VT5 likely won’t see 30mm of side steel either IRL or in-game.

And I did mistype about TAM’s turret armor, thanks for making me aware of that; I should’ve been more tactful.

I’ve never argued against improvement, never. Please stop lying.

I’ll keep agreeing with Chinese players no matter what you say.
Keep claiming the Chinese players are wrong, all you do is prove us correct.