About VT-5 tank

Whoever questions, whoever provides evidence! Do you not even have this knowledge?

IF u cant give out the evidence the VT5 is just like TAM,then the VT5 is light tank!


Aha i konw it u r telling the lies ,u even cant say a word to prove i am wrong! Lier!

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Read these, these prove my position that VT5’s armor is incorrect.
On top of TAM’s mass being less while being of similar size, that indicates the steel thickness in the front aspect of VT5 was rather incorrect.

TAM-2IP’s add-on armor is an indication of how wrong the composite is on VT5’s turret, ESPECIALLY since VT5’s turret has a newer and likely superior composite structure.


So prove that all of these people are liars since you’re so bold as to claim that we are.

not the word ,i can say ZTZ59 can fly and can shoot F22.show me the evidence lier!

@DAMONXD I’ll let others prove to you that VT5 on last dev server had incorrect armor values since you refuse to listen to my posts.

I dont care what its like on sever because its wrong and i have the evdence prove im write but where is urs? The sever is ur evidence?lol

Provide your evidence that VT5 isn’t as armored as we’re saying it should be.
You’ve provided zero evidence that we’re wrong.

u doubt first u prove first!

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And all of ur words are lie! And u r a lier, u even cant see the wb link which has been put in this topic.

lier wher is ur evidence? Without the lie u even cant say a word?

TAM is literally Tanque Argentino Mediano, AKA Argentinian Medium Tank… and it uses the Marder IFV hull- so there’s nothing MBT-ish about it xd.

VT-5 on the other hand has 500+mm LOS worth of composite armor blocks on the turret. I find it rather outlandish to suggest that such thickness of such advanced technology is suppossed to barely be able to withstand machine gun fire…

That being said, I don’t think VT-5’s turret cheeks would realistically be able to withstand modern MBT APFSDS shells; as you said, it’s still a Light MBT rather than a full fledged one. But it makes sense to think that it would at least be able to withstand lower caliber and older APFSDS shells.

The hull would not be as strong- but it was still too thin in the dev server too, physically, as seen via photographs.


I agree your view

It doesn’t use the Marder hull, it uses a hull with the suspension of Marder, but saying it uses a Marder hull is like saying M60 uses a Pershing hull.

Also you’re the first to claim that turret armor.

And yes I make dozens of posts saying the VT5’s armor is incorrect.

I can see the arrogance and ignorance of Gaijin Company from this vehicle.They seem to be provoking China!


This is clearly a provocation of China.

It’s pretty amazing how much time alvis Wisla spends on this thread cooking up absolute nonsense to try and convince people that somehow this joke of an armour model is somehow supposed to be correct, dude is like paid by gaijin or something


Gaijin Company is a fascist.

Your persistence in this discourse is truly awe-inspiring - the DARPA researchers studying cognitive endurance should be taking notes. While most would retreat upon realizing their ‘steel thickness’ argument has more holes than Swiss cheese, you’ve achieved something remarkable: turning technical debate into performance art where evidence is the heckler and confirmation bias the star performer.

Shall we tally the scorecard?
✓ 0 counter-evidence provided by you

This isn’t stubbornness - it’s epistemological parkour leaping over data avalanches with Olympic-grade mental gymnastics. When future historians chronicle 21st-century information pathologies, this thread will be Exhibit A of how someone mistook Wikipedia-level metallurgy for defense engineering expertise while actual technical documents gathered dust.

But fret not - your tenacity hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’ve forwarded this exchange to MIT’s cognitive science department as a fascinating case study in reality distortion fields. Who knows? You might yet contribute to science… as a cautionary footnote in papers about Dunning-Kruger effect persistence thresholds.


What holes are in our arguments?

I am literally saying the VT5’s steel is incorrect.

We have provided COUNTLESS evidence showing that VT5’s armor is incorrect, you provided NONE to counter that claim.