About VT-5 tank

Good meme picture,This is what happened to us.

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I think this is clear enough, I used the hight of VT-5(2500MM) as standard, which should be more accurate than head size. So we get a 105mm UPF armor, which could be composite or solid steel armor, and 40+45=85mm LPF, which should be solid steel.


Thank you for your dedicated efforts to the community and the game.

The issues with the VT4A1 have left many Chinese tech tree players deeply frustrated. Furthermore, the VT5—another made-for-export Chinese tank—appears to be facing a similar situation. This has inevitably raised concerns within the community about potential unintentional bias against the Chinese tech tree.

Chinese tech tree players widely hold pessimistic attitudes toward newly introduced Chinese vehicles in War Thunder. Many Chinese players, disheartened by these recurring problems, are even hesitant to try the Chinese tech tree. It is deeply regrettable to witness such sentiments overshadowing the potential of these vehicles.

I apologize if this digressed slightly from the main topic. Thank you once again for your hard work, and I hope you have a wonderful day.


I have an issue regarding the frontal armor of the VT5. I mentioned these points and have conducted measurements.https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder/i/ZChOEo488xOR


not a TANK but a BUCKET that can be pierced by light weapons,lmao



We truly cannot comprehend why Gaijin, when designing the VT5 tank, chose to add spall liners in such a perfunctory and careless manner. The entire tank only has three usable spall liner sections, with the hull sections from the left side to the front and right side completely merged into a single piece - meaning a single hit would eliminate all hull spall liners. The turret design is even more baffling, as the left and right spall liners are humorously 😅connected via “air” to the roof spall liner. This level of negligence in modeling is utterly disappointing.

Moreover, the composite armor system - which both Chinese and international players have long anticipated for the VT5 lightweight main battle tank - remains completely unmodeled. The actual armor steel performance of the hull is significantly inferior to the baseline specifications and materials submitted by players to Gaijin. With such lackluster production quality, few players would be willing to pay for squadron vehicles crafted with this degree of indifference.


If the VT5 is updated to the official server with its current armor stats from the test server remaining completely unchanged, it would be an insult to all Chinese players. Please change it


Fine, not enough info…again
just only 16min


A issue with detailed calculation is created
VT-5’s hull should have more armor // Gaijin.net // Issues

full images

edit: nef in seconds, not surprised. but the information and evidence is here. and hope it can be useful to developer.


thank you for your fascinating work that help us to gain a justice


The VT5 model has so many problems that it is outrageous. Not only are there errors in the internal structure and composite armor, but even the simple wheels cannot fit the tracks.
If the 3D model errors cannot be modified immediately because it is an outsourced project, we hope to improve the quality review of outsourced models and ensure that there is no discrimination from outsourced model authors. (I still believe that Gaijin itself does not have discrimination problems, but considering the overly size crews of some Chinese vehicles, the weird self-destructing ammunition that once existed in the turret, the ERA that was merged together, etc., there is reason to suspect that the third-party model providers have serious attitude problems)


Actually,they are so far from “serious and respective” in their words.They say something but do the different.So many evidences are showed here, but they still try to make themeslves look “right”. I really don’t know what to say.


So true, developer just “invent” something new, and told us that was how exactly it’s looked like, without supporting evidence


The complete episode of 《军武零距离: VT5》
【军武零距离 中国VT5轻型坦克】 军武零距离 中国VT5轻型坦克_哔哩哔哩_bilibili


The hull side armor is capable of resisting 23mm armor-piercing (AP) rounds. However, based on in-game ballistics parameters for comparable ammunition, the side armor thickness should theoretically measure 26mm rather than the stated 15mm.(the standard is protect 23mm ap from 1000 meters )


Yes, I hope the developers can provide us with an explanation regarding the reference materials used to incorporate the turret basket of the VT5 tank in the current game.

Now, let’s take a closer look:

  • How are the commander and gunner supposed to move ammunition from the reserve racks to the ready racks?
  • Should the driver be responsible for this task?

This is clearly unreasonable. The VT5 tank does not have the fictional turret basket that the developers have added to the game. This is utterly absurd.


Clearly Gaijin expects the driver to stop driving, get out of their seat, and pass the ammo to the other crew in a combat situation.


When one is utterly speechless to a certain extent, they can’t help but laugh. And well, I’m laughing.

It’s truly baffling that the developers are not addressing the issue itself but instead targeting those who raised it, dismissing all the issues we submitted regarding this problem. This is completely incomprehensible.


It amazes me how the CBR mods and developers refuse to take action on such an obvious issue. It’s like if they gave the F-16 2 verticals stabilizers and denied any reports saying it only has one, despite every piece of evidence conceivable saying it only has one.

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“Good morning to the community management team! I love you too, and I hope to hear more good news about VT-5 today. Your support means the most to us.”

Let me know if you’d like further refinements!